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  • Master's Degree in Social Welfare: Family Intervention
    imatge de la noticiaThe dynamics of social changes that occur in complex societies directly influences the professional practice of social work. These changes have been influencing the social and economic context since the sixties and have increased the demand for more trained social workers. Some of the most important changes have been the introduction of flexible working strategies in a globalised economic environment, which has caused processes of job insecurity and vulnerability in certain groups, who often become subjects of social work intervention because of their social fragility. These groups need a comprehensive solution that promotes their integration capacity and access to the labour market. Furthermore, the significant changes in family structure have weakened its protective capacity in a social welfare system so fundamentally familialist as the Spanish state’s. The reduction of family size, the diversity of forms of cohabitation, the incorporation of women into the labour market and the high rates of aging require new networks. This complexity leads to the need for professional profiles with high degree of specialisation both in theory and practice, allowing to understand and address problems generated by an ever changing society.
  • Master's Degree in Social Welfare: Family Intervention
    Recommended admission profile

    The Master’s degree is aimed primarily at graduates in Social Work, Psychology, Sociology, Social Education, Nursing and other health and social disciplines, and at all those who wish to expand their education or professional experience in the field of social intervention and public policy.

  • Master's Degree in Social Welfare: Family Intervention
    Admission criteria

    The admission criteria will be:

    1. Academic record of the applicant, multiplied by the correction coefficient, up to 4 points: 
          a. Situation 1: Correction coefficient: 1
              i. Diplomatura or undergraduate degree in Social Work, licenciatura in Sociology, licenciatura in Labour Sciences, diplomatura in Labour Relations.

          b. Situation 2: Correction coefficient: 0,8
              i. Licenciatura, diplomatura or undergraduate degree in the areas of legal and social sciences, humanities and health.

          c. Situation 3: Correction coefficient 0,4
              i. Other diplomaturas, licenciaturas or undergraduate degrees.

    2. Professional experience in social work, up to 4 points.
    3. Knowledge of languages, up to 1 point.
    4. Other merits: up to 1 point.

    Foreign students who pre-enroll for the Master’s Degree must have their Spanish or other official language level accredited. This accreditation must be equivalent to a C1 level according to the standards of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL). 

    Since English will be used in certain courses, it is recommended that all Master's students have an accredited basic level of English equivalent to B1.

  • Master's Degree in Social Welfare: Family Intervention
    Credit: 60
    Courses: 1
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 40
    Language: Spanish
    Prize: 35,34 €/Credit
    Universities: University of Valencia
    Faculty of Social Sciences
    Tarongers CampusAv. dels Tarongers, 4b46021 València (València)
    +34 963 828 500Geolocation
  • Master's Degree in Human Resources Management
    imatge de la noticiaThis Master’s aims to train experts capable of providing both solid and innovative knowledge, such as respectful values in the field of human resources management, its different methodologies and techniques in relation with business organisation, management practices, promotion of quality in working life and business strategy. Its curriculum responds to the current needs of the business network and of the corresponding increasing working demand, as well as the recent Spanish policies of R & D and the “Europa 20” strategy of this decade, with particular attention to production, economic development and the welfare of the staff involved in these activities.
  • Master's Degree in Human Resources Management
    Recommended admission profile

    This Master’s programme is preferentially addressed to students who have studied a diplomatura (Spanish former undergraduate degree) or undergraduate degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources, Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources, Licenciatura (Spanish former Undergraduate Degree) in Work Sciences, Business Management and Administration, Psychology (Work Psychology and Organisations profile) and Sociology, which from the studied contents, give credit to capacities, training and interest in the specialisation and training of the Master’s, in the field of Human Resources Management. But also it is addressed to other university graduates from the area of Social Sciences (Law, Business, Economics, Social Work, Sociology, etc.).

  • Master's Degree in Human Resources Management
    Training complements

    This Master’s programme is preferentially addressed to students who have studied a diplomatura or undergraduate degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources, Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources, Licenciatura in Work Sciences, Business Management and Administration, Psychology (Work Psychology and Organisations profile) and Sociology. For the rest of university graduates from the area of Social Sciences (Law, Business, Economics, Social Work, Sociology, etc.) and from other areas, a complementary training module is included in the curriculum whose contents provide the levelling knowledge needed for accessing to the Master’s. Those students who  have passed the contents of the mentioned module shall not study them again.

  • Master's Degree in Human Resources Management
    Admission criteria

    1.Academic record of the applicant multiplied by correction coefficient up to a maximum of 4 points:
    a.Situation 1: Correction coefficient 1.
    Diplomatura in Labour Relations and Human Resources.
    Licenciatura in Work Sciences.
    Licenciatura in Business Management and Administration. (Human resources Management Orientation).
    iv.Holders of a Licenciatura in Psychology (Psychology of Work and Organisations)…
    Holder of a Licenciatura in Sociology.

    b.Situation 2: Correction coefficient 0,6.
    Holders of a Licenciatura (Spanish former undergraduate degree) and Holders of a Diplomatura in the rest of the fields of legal, social and technic sciences.

    c.Situation 3: Correction coefficient 0,4.
    Holders of a Diplomatura or Licenciatura in the area of Basic Sciences of health and humanities.

    3.The same correction coefficients of the academic record mark will be applied to the Degrees that come from the extinction of the degrees and fields indicated in the point 1,a,b,c.

    2.Other merits:

    - Training and professional experience in Human Resources Management: up to 0,25 points.
    - Student’s cover letter: up to 1 point of the admission grade
    - Interest shown in studies: up to 2 points of the admission grade, which will be given as follows: the master’s degree is requested as first option: 2 points; the master’s degree is the second option: 1 point; the master’s degree is third option (or next): 0 points​



  • Master's Degree in Human Resources Management
    Credit: 120
    Courses: 2
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 35
    Language: Spanish
    Prize: 35,34 €/Credit
    Universities: University of Valencia
    Faculty of Social Sciences
    Tarongers CampusAv. dels Tarongers, 4b46021 València (València)
    +34 963 828 500Geolocation
  • Master’s Degree in Cultural Management
    imatge de la noticiaThis Master’s Degree has the goal of training managers able to understand the Cultural Management as a form of comprehensive organization of the territory, admitting the idea of the cultural resource as a public good, source of well-being, of intellectual evolution and of material progress and putting new energy in a comprehensive manner the cultural heritage of a specific community. From this point of view, this Master’s Degree expects to deal with a double compromise. On one hand, to prepare professionals that focuses their activity towards the spreading and improvement of the culture itself through the democratic use and benefit of the cultural goods. On the other hand, it expects to prepare professionals that are able to organise economically cultural resources of any nature, designing products which profitability evidences the efficiency of an integral management system of the cultural resources of a territory and promotes the social sense of sustainable exploitation of these goods. On this compromise, the training plan of the Master’s Degree offers four optional modules as of the corresponding areas of professional activity that widely encompass the field of cultural management. Its interest lives in the fact that it covers the social, political and economic sectors that make up the framework under which the activity of every specialist is registered. The optional modules are: management of cultural resources, cultural tourism management, performing arts management and ethnological heritage and popular culture management. Each student can choose three of the four modules, to configure his/her study plan. Thus four study plans are configured, resulting from all the possible combinations of three of the four optional modules. The four areas mentioned above demand a training in accordance with the social necessity of a new kind of professional able to solve the challenges that are posed in the management of culture of our society from the current political, economic and social structures. This synthesis settles on the following objectives. 1. To master the management tools to create projects with which provide sense and value a specific asset, learning to fit in the creation of management bodies, the promotion of cultural events, the revitalisation of heritage and the configuration of training cycles and benefit for users. 2. Provide an operative training in the public and private bodies that traditionally occupy themselves in our society with activities of cultural management. 3. To train for the detection of the sources of funding and management of the cultural resources in terms of sustainable economic revitalisation and profitability. 4. To train professionals experts of different keys of cultural politics both in the local area, as well as in the autonomous, national and European. 5. Provide students with the required knowledge to organise and lead multidisciplinary teams that work in the development of cultural management projects. 6. To organise in the student the concept of cultural management from the study of the legislation related with the management of culture. 7. To make contact with the professional reality of Cultural Management by informing students of real projects carried out by public and private bodies, exposing different real experiences of cultural management in the world of public administration and private company. 8. To put in practise the knowledge and techniques acquired through the development of a management project, creating personally for each student and conveniently tutored by expert lecturers in the different subjects.
  • Master’s Degree in Cultural Management
    Recommended admission profile

    This Master’s Degree is primarily aimed at professionals who already work in the field of cultural management. These professionals typically have diverse prior training and hold an undergraduate degree in the areas of sciences, humanities or social sciences. However, preference is given to students who hold an undergraduate degree in Geography and History, History of Art, Business Administration and Management, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Language Studies, Economics, Law, Anthropology, Archaeology, Fine Arts, Audiovisual Communication, Journalism, Humanities, Documentation or Computer Science, as they offer the most training in the field of cultural management. Architectural and engineering degrees are also acceptable, provided that the candidate can demonstrate training or professional experience in the field of cultural management. In addition, applications will be considered from candidates who hold a diplomatura (former Spanish undergraduate degree) and can demonstrate a minimum of 180 credits of training related to cultural management, in the broadest sense of the term. This includes candidates with diplomaturas in Tourism and Business Sciences.

  • Master’s Degree in Cultural Management
    Admission criteria

    Scaling of the applicants will be carried out according to the following criteria:

    I) Academic curriculum:
    1. Average mark obtained in the academic record. From 0 to 5 points.
    2. Number of credits completed in official degrees (creditos completed in the third cycle and oficial postgraduate studies are included) 1 point for each 100 credits (5 points maximum).
    3. Doctoral theses read: from 1 to 3 points according to its mark and its relation with the área of Cultural Management.
    4. Number of non-official Master’s Degrees completed (1´5 points maximum):
    - One point for each non-official Master’s Degree obtained, related to the area of Cultural Management.
    - Half point for each non-official Master’s Degrees obtained, not related to the area of Cultural Management.
    5. Publications:
    - One point for each book published (with ISBN), related to the area of Cultural Management.
    - Half point for each book published (without ISBN), related to the area of Cultural Management.
    - Half point for each chapter of a book published (without ISBN), related to the area of Cultural Management.
    - Half point for each research article published, related to the area of Cultural Management.
    - 0’25 points for each chapter of a book published (without ISBN), related to the area of Cultural Management.

    II) Professional Curriculum (5 points maximum):
    - 0’1 point for each month working in the area of Cultural Management.

    III) Other merits (2 points maximum):
    - 0.25 for each book published (with ISBN), not related to the area of Cultural Management.
    - Other research publications: 0’25 points for each publication, not related to the area of ​​Cultural Management.
    - 0’10 points for each 100 hours of courses and seminaries taken, related with the area of Cultural Management.

  • Master’s Degree in Cultural Management
    Credit: 90
    Courses: 2
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 20
    Language: Spanish and Valencian
    Prize: 35,34 €/Credit
    Universities: Universitat de València y Universitat Politècnica de València
    Faculty of Social Sciences
    Tarongers CampusAv. dels Tarongers, 4b46021 València (València)
    +34 963 828 500Geolocation
  • Master’s Degree in Occupational Health and Safety
    imatge de la noticiaProtection of public health is a fundamental right recognised in the article 43 of the Spanish Constitution, where it also refers to the responsibility that the public authorities have in “organising and managing public health through preventive measures and the necessary benefits and services”. Health, understood as a state of physical, psychic and social well-being, according to the well-known definition of the World Health Organisation, in its individual as well as collective dimension, is determined by factors both of biological as well as environmental and social nature. The places and conditions in which the work is carried out are the main health and public well-being determinants, therefore require of the suitable assessment and control actions that guarantee the protection of worker’s health. In the pursuit of this responsibility, in 1995 the Spanish Occupational Health and Safety Law (Law 31/1995) is approved, regulatory framework by which a series of principles and organisational and technical provisions are established to guarantee the protection of health of the workers in Spain. Thus, companies must guarantee that the conditions and organisation of work are safe and healthy, being responsible in this both the directors and decision-makers in the work centres, as well as workers, with rights and obligations concerning labour risks, and the management office itself, guarantor of the fulfilment of the regulatory provisions and objectives in this field. This Law establishes the different modalities with which, compulsorily, must organise all the companies to guarantee the fulfilment of their obligations in terms of labour risk prevention. The designated Occupational Health and Safety Services become one of the main resources with which the companies count for the guidance and technical support that requires intervention in terms of health and security at work. In its turn, both in the modality of internal and external prevention services, these bodies should count with all the facilities, human resources and materials needed to carry out the preventive activities that the company is to perform. In particular, the regulation establishes that between the trained personnel in these services are technicians with the suitable training to carry out higher level functions. The future professionals in the field of occupational health and safety require a series of basic competences for which its acquisition the best guarantee is this postgraduate university training.
  • Master’s Degree in Occupational Health and Safety
    Recommended admission profile

    Students holding the following degrees related to the Master’s Degree will have preference:  Doctorate in Labour Relations or Graduate in Social Work; licenciatura in Labour Sciences; licenciatura in Medicine, speciality in Occupational Medicine; diplomatura in Nursing, speciality in Occupational Nursing; diplomatura in Company Nurse; licenciatura in Psychology, profile in Labour and Company Psychology; licenciatura in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering; licenciatura in Sociology, as well as future graduates in this degrees.


  • Master’s Degree in Occupational Health and Safety
    Admission criteria
    1. Candidate’s academic record: up to 4 points.
    2. Other merits: Training and professional experience in Labour Risk Prevention: up to 0,25 points
    3. Interview (optional): up to 1 point


  • Master’s Degree in Occupational Health and Safety
    Credit: 100
    Courses: 2
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 32
    Language: Spanish
    Prize: 12,79 €/Credit
    Universities: University of Valencia
    Specific website:
    Faculty of Social Sciences
    Tarongers CampusAv. dels Tarongers, 4b46021 València (València)
    +34 963 828 500Geolocation
  • Master’s Degree in Gender and Equality Policies
    imatge de la noticiaThe first definition of a professional figure so-called Equal Opportunity Officer can be found in 1985 in a Seminar organised by the European Centre for Development of European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training. In this seminar it was already stated the necessity of a previous university training (licenciatura, diplomatura), a training complement relating to: legal, economic, sociological and management knowledge, studies on feminism, design and management of positive action projects and assessment techniques, knowledge on human communication. After 1991, the Spanish Institute of Women’s Affairs discussed in their annual meeting the intervention of the Equal Opportunity Officer in local affairs, counting with some previous publications such as “Guía didáctica: Asesoras para la Igualdad” (“Learning guide: Equality Advisors”). Some countries within the European environment have already started to standardise this professional figure. In 1994 the Spanish National Occupational Classification by the INEM gathers this professional figure, distinguishing between Equal Opportunity Officer and Equal Opportunity Promoter according to university training. In these years several Local Administrations have recruited professionals of this kind to their staff. The year 2004 was a fruitful year in meetings and congresses on the profile of the Equal Opportunity Officer. In Pontevedra was held the 1st Congress on Equal Opportunity Officers in October. In the same month the 1st Congress in Castilla-León of Equal Opportunity Officers Between Men and Women. At the same time professional associations of Equal Opportunity Officers are created in the Autonomous Communities of Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, Basque Country, Valencian Community, Baleares, Castile-La Mancha, Navarra, Madrid, Castile and Leon and Andalucia. In parallel a process to configure an Estate Federation of Associations of on Equal Opportunity Officers starts. In the Valencian Community and through a NOW initiative promoted by the General Directorate on the Status of Women, the University of Valencia created the first class of Equal Opportunity Officers in the year 1998. The first class of which 27 students graduated makes up the first network of public attention of women in the Valencian Community. The Master’s Degree has a dual orientation: research and professional. It expects to comply both the orders issued by the specific legislation regarding equality, such as those orders regarding the development of the Ley Orgánica de Universidades (Universities Organic Law). Regarding the former it should be noted that the Organic Law 1/2004, of 28 December, of measures of comprehensive protection against gender violence (Art. 4.7) and Organic Law 3/2007, of 22 March (Art. 25). Lastly, the RD 1397/2007 that develops the LOU.
  • Master’s Degree in Gender and Equality Policies
    Recommended admission profile

    Undergraduate students or similar in any area of knowledge, preferably in Social Sciences and Legal Sciences, Humanities and Health Sciences, with some of the following capacities and interests:
    -To detect the gender biases both in the diverse areas of scientific knowledge as well as in political and social practices.
    -To contribute to achieve gender equity through the knowledge of the possible causes and dimensions of inequalities.
    -Interest before new fields of knowledge in the study of gender relations and the removal of any kind of discrimination from an interdisciplinary point of view.
    -Interest in the application of equality policies.
    -Awareness to detect and prevent gender violence and the effects of social exclusion.



  • Master’s Degree in Gender and Equality Policies
    Admission criteria

    a) Assessment of the academic record: 40%
    b) Knowledge and previous practice in gender studies: 20%
    c) Vocational guidance and motivation to carry out the studies of the Master’s Degree: 20%
    d) Language knowledge: 20%



  • Master’s Degree in Gender and Equality Policies
    Credit: 90
    Courses: 2
    Classes: Mixed
    Places: 50
    Language: Spanish
    Prize: 35,34 €/Credit
    Universities: University of Valencia
    Specific website:
    Faculty of Social Sciences
    Tarongers CampusAv. dels Tarongers, 4b46021 València (València)
    +34 963 828 500Geolocation
  • Master’s Degree in Digital Society
    imatge de la noticiaThe Master’s in Digital Society aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of emerging digital technologies and their transformative impact on contemporary society. The programme covers key sociological areas, including work, education, communication, culture and the public sphere. Students will receive training in new technological methodologies and techniques, while addressing inherent challenges and rights, such as data privacy. This training will equip students with the skills to adapt their analysis to a constantly changing reality and conduct relevant research with great skill and precision. In addition, they will develop the ability to conduct research with a specialised approach to data analysis, thanks to the strong background in data analysis techniques provided by the Master’s Degree. This foundation includes the mastery of Artificial Intelligence-driven tools for big data and network analysis, as well as netnography and data visualisation. The aim is to equip students with the skills to effectively use and interpret data to understand and predict trends in the digital society. These skills can be applied in various contexts of academic and applied research, contributing to decision-making in both public and private sectors. The Master’s in Digital Society provides students with the necessary tools to understand, analyse and evaluate the new social realities marked by digitalisation. It concentrates on the social structure, economy, culture and politics of the digital age, as well as the novel processes of constructing subjectivities and identities. The Master’s places emphasis training in digital audit skills and advanced qualitative and quantitative research techniques. The aim is to enhance academic training, enabling postgraduate students to conduct research and work in both private and public institutions, as well as in consultancy and advisory services.
  • Master’s Degree in Digital Society
    Recommended admission profile
    1. Candidates must hold an undergraduate degree in Sociology, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Political Sciences, Labour Relations and Human Resources or Social Work. These degrees provide the necessary basic skills relevant to the Master’s programme, in particular those related to quantitative and qualitative research methods and techniques. The Master’s Academic Committee will verify that applicants have previously studied at least 12 ECTS credits of quantitative and qualitative research methods and techniques. This ensures that students possess the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary to acquire the specific competences of the Master’s programme.
    2. Candidates must demonstrate their proficiency in Spanish at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Students who have completed their university studies in Spanish are exempt from this requirement.
  • Master’s Degree in Digital Society
    Admission criteria

    Candidates will be ranked according to the following criteria:

    1. Undergraduate academic record (70%)
    Candidates’ academic record will be assessed according to the following criteria:
    Undergraduate degree in Sociology: 1
    Undergraduate degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Labour Relations and Human Resources, Political Sciences and Social Work: 0.7

    2. Additional studies, knowledge of English (B1) and research and professional experience (20%)
    3. Cover letter (10%)

    Candidates are required to submit a brief curriculum vitae that includes details of their education, research and professional experience, language proficiency (specifically in English) and academic or professional accomplishments. Additionally, a cover letter expressing interest in the Master’s Degree programme must be included.

  • Master’s Degree in Digital Society
    Credit: 60
    Courses: 1
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 25
    Language: Spanish
    Prize: 35,34 €/Credit
    Universities: University of Valencia
    Faculty of Social Sciences
    Tarongers CampusAv. dels Tarongers, 4b46021 València (València)
    +34 963 828 500Geolocation
  • Master’s Degree in Social Work
    imatge de la noticiaSocial work is a crucial component of the welfare structures in contemporary democratic societies. Its history as a profession dates back to the 19th century, although its academic implementation in higher education is more recent. It is clearly an emerging discipline, particularly with the development of the European Higher Education Area. Social work is also a professional discipline that has become an essential reference for the public system of social services created during the Spanish democracy in the 1980s. Social workers perform functions aimed at providing social diagnosis and reports, which are exclusive instruments of social work. These functions aim to identifying the strengths and social risk factors for health promotion, disease prevention and social health intervention of individuals, families, groups and communities as active subjects in their treatment, recovery and rehabilitation. In general, healthcare and professional areas of health centres should encourage activities that promote social inclusion.
  • Master’s Degree in Social Work
    Recommended admission profile

    To be admitted to the Master’s Degree in Social Work in Health Care, candidates must hold an official undergraduate degree in Social Work or an equivalent degree from a university or higher education institution within the EHEA that grants access to Master’s studies in the issuing country.

    Access may also be granted to candidates who hold a degree from educational systems outside the EHEA, provided that they are equivalent to an undergraduate degree in Social Work. Homologation of the degree is not required for this case. However, the UV will verify the level of the degree to ensure it allows access to postgraduate university studies in the country where it was issued. Please note that admission does not imply the homologation or recognition of the degree held by the candidate for any purpose other than pursuing this Master’s Degree.

  • Master’s Degree in Social Work
    Admission criteria

    The evaluation of applications will be based on the following criteria:

    1. Academic background: up to 10 points
    2. Professional experience: up to 2 points
    3. Research experience: up to 1 point
    4. Cover letter: up to 1 point

    In the event of a tie in the number of points for admission, the Academic Coordination Committee of the Master’s Degree may invite candidates for a personal interview. In such cases, the maximum score will be 1 point.

    Candidates are required to demonstrate a minimum C1 level of proficiency in Spanish, enabling them to comprehend lectures and access content, bibliographical references and information services with ease. Candidates whose mother tongue is Spanish or who have completed their undergraduate studies in the language are exempt from providing proof of their language proficiency.



    The enrolment and adhesion to the internship groups and TFM of the Master’s Degree in Social Work in Health Care will operate as follows:

    • Enrolment: the enrolment for the Internship and the Masters Final Project (TFM) will be linked to one of the 8 universities that offer it. There will be 8 groups, with 7 places in each of them. Hence, out of the 56 places available for enrolment, each University will be assigned a group with 7 places for the Internship and the TFM. Enrolment will be based on the mark obtained in the Master's access process.
    • In relation to the External Internships, once students have enrolled and are assigned to a specific university, they may apply for one of the following options:

    Selection of the internship centre based on the Master’s access mark: each university will offer a list of possible entities where students enrolled in the same university can carry out the internship. Students may not apply for places offered by universities other than the one in which they are enrolled.

    Autopracticum: students may propose an institution to carry out the internship. The Master's Academic Committee will review the proposal and give its approval or rejection.

    Recognition for professional experience: this option will be based on the criteria set out in the Master's verification report, which states that "The recognition of credits will only and exclusively affect the subject of Internships (9 credits) for accredited work experience in Social Work in Health Care. Recognition for work experience will be based on 4 years of accredited work experience in Social Work in Health Care".

  • Master’s Degree in Social Work
    Credit: 60
    Courses: 1
    Classes: Online
    Places: 56
    Language: Spanish
    Prize: 35,34 €/Credit
    Universities: Universitat d’Alacant; Universitat de Barcelona; Universitat de Girona; Universitat de Lleida; Universidad de Murcia; Universitat Rovira i Virgili; Universitat de les Illes Balears and Universitat de València
    Faculty of Social Sciences
    Tarongers CampusAv. dels Tarongers, 4b46021 València (València)
    +34 963 828 500Geolocation


Mobility programs of our Màsters