History of the Faculty
The history of our Faculty begins with the Governing Council’s Agreement of the University of Valencia, in the session which took place on April 30, 1998, which agreed to “
The University Senate approved the proposal on January 26, 1999 by majority of 236 votes for, no votes against and an abstention.
The Social Council of the University approved the proposal of the Senate and appointed a Dean, with the mission to produce the School Policies.
The Faculty of Social Sciences was established by Royal Decree 192/1999 issued on October 19 by the Valencia Government, taking into account the favorable reports from the Universities’ Council in their 5 July 1999 session.
By May of the same year elections were called for Faculty Board and an acting Dean was elected, with the mission to produce the School Policies.
History of the Labour Relations School
The studies that composed the Social degree belonged to the Ministry of Labour and National Insurance and it’s through a Royal Decree issued on June 13, 1986 in which the studies of Social degrees are incorporated to the University of Valencia.
By Royal Decree 477/1989 issued on May 5, duties and services are transferred from the Central Government’s administration to the Valencia Government as University School of Social Degrees.
By Royal Decree 139/1994 issued on July 18 by the Valencia Government the University School of Social Degrees becomes the University School of Labour Relations.
This school is closed down by Royal Degree 192/1999 issued on October 19 by the Valencia Government at the same time that the Faculty of Social Sciences is established.
History of the University School of Social Work
The origin can be found in the Provincial Council, which authorized the establishment of the School University of Social Work on August 20, 1985, assigned to the University of Valencia after the University and the Universities’ Council had been mandatorily informed.
By Royal Decree 204/1985 issued on December 23 by the Valencia Council, the establishment of the University School of Social Work is authorized.
By Royal Decree 117/1989 issued on July 28, this School University is eventually fully incorporated in the University of Valencia.
This school is closed down by Royal Decree 192/1999 issued on October 19 by the Valencia Government coinciding with the establishment of the Faculty of Social Sciences.