Universitat de ValènciaHuman Resources Service (PDI) Logo del portal

PDI Human Resources Service

The PDI Human Resources Service is attached to the central economic and administrative services of the Universitat and organically depends on the Office of the General Manager. From a functional point of view, it mainly depends on the Office of the Vice-Principal for Teaching Staff and Academic Planning, although it also provides administrative support to some competences of other Offices of the Vice-Principal such as the Office of the Vice-Principal for Undergraduate Studies and Language Policy, for Postgraduate Studies and for Research and Science Policy.
Its functions are related to the processing of teaching staff selection processes, the management of the Universitat's teaching and research staff files, the organisation of the academic and teaching offer and the preparation and control of the teaching and research staff budget. To carry out these functions, the Service is structured into 2 sections and 5 units, as well as a technical team.