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The payroll section is aiming to manage the administrative processes related to the payment of fees to the Universitat de València staff.
In this section, prompt payment to the Universitat de València staff is also processed, as well as to the external staff in order to have some economic recognition of specific financing from the budget of Universitat de València.
Every task related to personnel costs is part of their mission.


  • Calculation of the salary of all the staff at Universitat de València : Teaching and Research staff, Administration and Services Staff, Research Staff, external Staff.
  • Monthly payments, retroactives, settlement payments, compensatory supplement payments and extra payments. Budget table and accounting of payments.
  • Financial management of administrative modifications with payroll impact.
  •  Inclusion in payroll of every prompt payment for the Universitat de València staff and external staff, with different budget items at Universitat de València. Budget table and accounting of payments.
  •  Calculation of the retentions of the income tax of  legal persons from the Universitat de València staff and external staff.
  •  Control of requests of the voluntary IRPF.
  •  Management of the payroll payments of attached posts: Ministry of  Health, General Hospital, FISABIO.
  •  Update of bank details for payment of the salary.
  •  Processing of deposit account through the assigned banks by the management for the payment of the salary.
  •  Control of payroll account for the payment and return of payroll payments.
  •  Emission of certificates related to salary management.
  •  Withholding management and seizures.
  •  Management of surveys from the National Institute of Statistics.
  •  Management of advanced payrolls.
  •  User support.