Medición, evaluación, análisis y procesamiento de datos de accidentes de trafico y seguridad vial - METRAS

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Descripción de la actividad investigadora:
METRAS is the research group of INTRAS (Research Institute of Traffic and Road Safety of the University of Valencia) specialized in the methods and practical applications of the Measurement, Evaluation, Analysis and Data Processing of Traffic Accidents and Road Safety. Research lines: -Measurement and evaluation of the human factor in traffic and road safety: -Studies for the evaluation of the transport users' behaviour and attitudes from several methodological approaches: -Psychometric and survey approaches. -Observational and field studies. -Experimental and in laboratory. -Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of international instruments of psychological measurement of the drivers (DBQ, MDSI, etc.) -Evaluation of intervention programmes, plans and actions related to training, change in attitudes, habits and skills. -Development of indicators for the assessment of the impact of human factor. -Psychotechnical evaluation of drivers. -Traffic and road safety information and data systems: -Evaluation of the quality of the information and data systems of traffic accidents and offences. -Design of information systems for road safety (data collection and data record; databases;...METRAS is the research group of INTRAS (Research Institute of Traffic and Road Safety of the University of Valencia) specialized in the methods and practical applications of the Measurement, Evaluation, Analysis and Data Processing of Traffic Accidents and Road Safety. Research lines: -Measurement and evaluation of the human factor in traffic and road safety: -Studies for the evaluation of the transport users' behaviour and attitudes from several methodological approaches: -Psychometric and survey approaches. -Observational and field studies. -Experimental and in laboratory. -Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of international instruments of psychological measurement of the drivers (DBQ, MDSI, etc.) -Evaluation of intervention programmes, plans and actions related to training, change in attitudes, habits and skills. -Development of indicators for the assessment of the impact of human factor. -Psychotechnical evaluation of drivers. -Traffic and road safety information and data systems: -Evaluation of the quality of the information and data systems of traffic accidents and offences. -Design of information systems for road safety (data collection and data record; databases; information management, analysis, interpretation and dissemination procedures). -Design of standardized protocols for accident research and for the collection of statistical data (the METRAS method). -Statistical modelling of traffic and road safety data -Epidemiology and statistical research of traffic accidents and offences through log-linear models... -Study of the effects and predictions through methodologies of time series analysis. -Analysis of typologies and profiles of transport users through cluster analysis.
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Objetivos cientificotécnicos:
  • Measurement and evaluation of the human factor in traffic and road safety
  • Traffic and road safety information and data systems
  • Statistical modelling of traffic and road safety data
Líneas de investigación:
  • Analisis y proceso de datos de accidentes de tráfico. Evaluation of the quality of the information and dessign of data systems of traffic accidents and offences (data collection and data record; databases; information management, analysis, interpretation and dissemination procedures).
  • Modelado estadístico de datos de seguridad vial. Epidemiology and statistical research of traffic accidents and offences through log-linear models.. Study of the effects and predictions through methodologies of time series analysis. Analysis of typologies and profiles of transport users through cluster analysis.
  • Medida y evaluación en tráfico y seguridad vial. Studies for the evaluation of the transport users' behaviour and attitudes from several methodological approaches: Psychometric and survey approaches Observational and field studies Experimental and in laboratory.
Componentes del grupo:
Nombre Carácter de la participación Entidad Descripción
Jaime Sanmartín ArceDirector-a UVEG-Valencia Catedràtic-a d'Universitat
Equip d'investigació
María Luisa Ballestar TarínMembre UVEG-Valencia Professor-a Permanente Laboral Ppl
Mauricio Javier Chisvert PeralesMembre UVEG-Valencia Professor-a Contractat-da Doctor-a
M. Florencia Rodrigo GiménezMembre UVEG-Valencia Titular d'Universitat