
The main objective of this Master's Degree is to train specialists in Oral Surgery and Implantology, guided by scientific evidence. Therefore, as part of their postgraduate training, students will learn to consult and critically evaluate the scientific literature.
The theoretical-practical content totals 60 ECTS credits. Students will receive online theoretical-practical training and will participate in face-to-face clinical activity with patients at the University or at an internship centre with an agreement with the University. The student will request the practice centre from those proposed by the University or will designate one of their own choice from any country. They will plan and carry out progressively more complex cases throughout the Master's programme, with partial dedication and tailored to the student's needs.

Specific objectives: Students taking this degree will develop in the subject of Oral Surgery: the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to perform surgical extractions, fenestrations, periapical surgery, soft tissue surgery, knowledge of the surgical treatment of infections, cysts and tumours. In the subject of Implantology, students will develop the necessary knowledge to place dental implants, as well as to rehabilitate partially or totally edentulous cases with prostheses on dental implants or which may require bone grafts or gum grafts.

Los contenidos teórico-prácticos son en total 60 créditos ECTS. La Cirugía e Implantología Oral, son unas disciplinas complejas que exigen estudio y dedicación, durante años. A lo largo del curso, los alumnos recibirán formación teórica-práctica online y participarán de la actividad clínica presencial con pacientes en un centro de prácticas externo a la Universitat. El alumno solicitará el centro de prácticas de los propuestos por la Universitat o designará uno de libre elección de cualquier país. Planificarán y realizarán casos progresivamente más complejos a lo largo de la programación del Máste

r, con una dedicación parcial y a medida del alumno. Professional objectives The professional opportunities are fundamentally aimed at the clinical care field. The course is aimed at improving the theoretical and practical training of students. So that they are able to carry out implantology and oral surgery treatments with the minimum morbidity and the highest success rate.¿This professional profile of a dentist with special dedication to implantology and oral surgery is in great demand in the dental sector, and is present in practically all dental clinics, as nowadays with the great growth of information in dentistry it is impossible to cover all branches of knowledge.

Curso académico Curso 2024/2025

ÁreaÀrea de Salut

Tipo de cursoMáster de Formación Permanente


Precio matrícula 6.000 € (Importe precio público)

Fecha fin preinscripción02/09/2024

Fecha de inicio curso septiembre 2024

Fecha finalización del curso junio 2025

Edición1 ª

Código título24731180

Créditos:60.00 Créditos ECTS


Free choice of the student

Lugar de impartición

Online Theory + Face-to-Face Clinical Practice
Salida profesional

The professional opportunities are mainly aimed at the clinical care field. Students who complete the SEMIPRESENTIAL INTERNATIONAL MASTER'S DEGREE IN IMPLANTOLOGY AND ORAL SURGERY are trained to diagnose and develop the best treatment plan for the different oral pathologies that require surgical attention in a dental office. They are also able to diagnose, plan and carry out the functional and aesthetic rehabilitation of patients who have lost teeth using dental implants and bone and soft tissue regeneration procedures if necessary. This professional profile is in great demand in the dental sector, and is present in practically all dental clinics. For some students, this Master's degree can also be the start of an academic and/or research career.



Departament d'Estomatologia


José Miguel Peñarrocha Diago
Presidente de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Bucal. Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía. Especialista en Estomatología y en Neurología. Catedrático de Cirugía Bucal. Universitat de València
María Peñarrocha Diago
Doctora en Medicina y Cirugía. Doctora en Odontología. Máster en Cirugía e Implantología Oral. Profesora Titular de Cirugía Bucal.. Departament d'Estomatologia. Universitat de València
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