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Date: 5 and 6 October

Place: Building Beatriz Civera, Serpis Street 29, 5th floor. Universitat de València.

Responsible: Miguel Lorenzo (Photographer)

Number of available places: 30 (limited)

Cost: Free

Target: students and graduates of any Valencian university.

Objective: Learn theoretical and practical knowledge on landscaping photography.

During the workshop (beginner-middle level) a series of theoretical and practical classes will take place, including a trip to put in practice what has been learned. Additionally, students will analyse their own photographies.

Two main features will be studied in the course: the use of light and the composition of the picture:

  • Analysis of different types of light and how they influence the picture, the temperature of colour, the use of filters…
  • Learn to frame and arrange the visual elements of the picture and decide which ones are the most suitable for each type of landscape. Additionally, the different types of camera shooting (shutter priority mode, aperture priority mode and manual mode).

We recommend you to have a digital camera (reflex if possible), lens and a tripod.