Exhibition of the EASD Valencia about textile drawing and ornamentation.
Students of the subjects of Museology and Museography and exhibitions design and cataloguing and inventory and Professional Applications of de degrees in History, History of Art, Information and Documentation, of the master’s degree in History of Art and the master’s degree in Cultural Heritage will participate in the exhibition montage, the museography and cataloguing of the pieces in a collaborative work with the EASD students under the supervision of professors of both institutions.
A catalogue of the exhibition will be edited. To rescue the historical founds of the EASD Valencia and to proceed to their dissemination. To connect the past of the school with the present through the Silk Road.
To highlight the importance of this last one in the Valencian society of the last 18th century and 19th century.
Location: Colegio del Arte Mayor de la Seda
Date: from September to December 2016