The aim of this exhibition is the realization of an ITINERANT exhibition, integrated by twenty panels, which guided by the chronological and territorial criteria, to reproduce: the presence of activities related to the silk manufacture and its economic activities (production, artisans, commercialisation) in the Valencian territory, the dimension that this economic sector had in history and the traces that are found in our geography, samples of our past, as well as the most significant documents about the history of production and commercialisation of silk in our territory.
The exhibition will be itinerant in the territory of the Valencian Community, in the principal Valencian cities.
It will be divided in the following phases:
- Documentation. The Faculty of Geography and History, under the supervision of several specialists of the Department of Modern History, and the participation of specialists from other disciplines (archaeology, geography...) will request the archives of the Valencian cities with a prominent silk activity, and those thematically related to this activity, that provide us with a reproduction of significant documents of production and commercialisation of silk. It will count on the collaboration of the archives of the Colegio del Arte Mayor de la Seda, of the Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País, the Archivo del Reino de Valencia and files from Requena, Xàtiva, Alzira, Orihuela, etc.
- Preparation of materials. Writing and cartographic and photographic support. A team of Information and Documentation specialists of the Faculty of Geography and History will carry out the review of those documents. Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation technical staff will prepare the graphic material.
- Exhibition production. Preparation and materialization of the panels. Technical (Vice chancellor’ s office) and academic (Faculty) supervision works.
- Exhibtion Route. Logistics and assembly (Vice chancellor’s office
- Communication campaign: social networks, web page, written articles. Folded sheets and posters (Vice chancellor’s office)
Aims of the activity:
- To spread among the Valencian society the views related to the economy in History periods, cultural heritage or internationalization procedures.
- Bringing closer the most important silk industry documents to students and general public.
Organised by: Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation
Date: June 2016