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Reference Acronym Name Director
GIUV2013-039 ELEAM Spanish language studies in Latin America M. Milagros Aleza Izquierdo
GIUV2020-486 CULIVIAN Animals in Literary and Visual Cultures Claudia Alonso Recarte
GIUV2024-623 CulTraDrac Contrastive Cultural and Translation Studies in English-Chinese-Spanish Applied Topics José Vicente Andreu Beso
GIUV2014-186 CCSS Criticism and sabotage Manuel Asensi Pérez
GIUV2015-213 PREMEDOC Prehistory of the Western Mediterranean Joan Emili Aura Tortosa
GIUV2016-317 HCMT History of Science, Medicine and Technology Josep Lluís Barona Vilar
GIUV2013-045 GRANVELLE Edition and Study of Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle's Correspondence Julia Benavent Benavent
GIUV2019-458 CLiGIR Contrastive Linguistics German-Ibero Romance Pau Bertomeu Pi
GIUV2014-203 GECOHIS Gender, Knowledge, History and Subjectivity Mónica Bolufer Peruga
GIUV2024-619 PROFUSA Socio-affective process and functions in discourse A. Patricia Bou Franch
GIUV2019-457 LENA North American ethnic minority literatures in a global context Anna María Brígido Corachán
GIUV2013-056 Val.Es.Co. Valencia Colloquial Spanish Emilio Antonio Briz Gómez
GIUV2015-264 EMO-FUNDET Emotion and language 'at work': The discursive emotive/evaluative function in different texts and contexts: Project Persuasion Ana Belén Cabrejas Peñuelas
GIUV2015-259 METALEXICA Lexicography and Contrastive Linguistics Cesáreo Calvo Rigual
GIUV2013-089 RIUMED Mediterranean Hydrology Ana Camarasa Belmonte
GIUV2013-035 LICAMEHD Medieval Catalan Literature and Digital Humanities Roser Anna Cantavella Chiva
GIUV2013-138 CUDIDE Culture, Diversity and Development Research Group Carmen Carmona Rodríguez
GIUV2016-343 SEDER Soil erosion rates and runoff generation Artemio Cerda Bolinches
GIUV2013-127 InterCom Interculturality and Communication Giuliana Colaizzi
GIUV2013-124 ETIDEMO Applied Ethics and Democracy Research Group Jesús M. Conill Sancho
GIUV2021-505 GIEAIED Research Group on Arab and Islamic Studies in the Digital Age Antonio Constan Nava
GIUV2013-083 BATWoW British and American Transatlantic Women Writers M. José Coperías Aguilar
GIUV2015-251 VLC_LAB Research Group in Analytic Philosophy Josep Corbí Fernandez de Ibarra
GIUV2017-385 DIGRAM Discourse and Grammar M. Josep Cuenca Ordiñana
GIUV2013-062 LLICVALSOR Language, Literature and Valencian Culture from Golden Age to Renaissance Vicent Josep Escartí Soriano
GIUV2015-214 UDERVAL Unit for Rural Development and Evaluation of Public Policies Javier Esparcia Pérez
GIUV2015-239 FRASCAE Contrastive phraseology German - Spanish Maricel Esteban Fonollosa
GIUV2014-209 CLIMAMET Research group of climate change, weather risks and inputs to the hydrological system in the Mediterranean María José Estrela Navarro
GIUV2017-375 GDLS Sustainable Local Development and Government Joaquin Farinos Dasi
GIUV2017-402 LOCSUS Research Group on Local and Regional Sustainability Adrián Ferrandis Martínez
GIUV2013-064 ELITE-PAC Literary Writings: Heritage and Updates M. Teresa Ferrer Valls
GIUV2016-313 MEDHISMO The hispanic mediterranean during the early modern period Ricardo Franch Benavent
GIUV2015-229 GRIS19 Grup of research on nineteenth century. Reform and revolution in Europe and America (1763-1918) María Ivana Frasquet Miguel
GIUV2013-145 CiSEM Cultures and Societies of the Middle Ages Antoni Josep Furió Diego
GIUV2017-346 APES Visual Culture Studies Rafael Garcia Mahiques
GIUV2013-078 RIALE Intercultural Relations Germany-Spain Ingrid María García Wistadt
GIUV2015-224 VALuART Valencia, University and Art. Art, Museums and Visual Culture, since 1750 to today Rafael Gil Salinas
GIUV2013-088 CyD Culture and Development Nuria Girona Fibla
GIUV2014-188 PRESEVAL Project for the Sociolinguistic Study of Spanish in Valencia María Begoña Gómez Devis
GIUV2013-055 GEOART Art and Architecture in the Modern Age Mercedes Gómez-Ferrer Lozano
GIUV2017-357 ÁGORA History, current practices and new challenges of the scientific knowledge transfer Aurora M. Gonzalez Teruel
GIUV2013-054 GIRHTC Research Group on Rhetoric, Humanism and the Classical Tradition Ferran Grau Codina
GIUV2018-425 CORPLING Corpus Linguistics: developments and applications Carmen Gregori Signes
GIUV2018-410 MEDLIT Medieval Spanish Literature Marta Haro Cortés
GIUV2017-387 ESTEPA Studies of Territory, Landscape and Heritage Jorge Hermosilla Pla
GIUV2024-625 UCODAHD The contemporary university and its current challenges: a look at the history of law Maria del Pilar Hernando Serra
GIUV2024-611 CIRCE CIRCE: Early Modern European Theatre on Screen (Cinema, Television and Multimedia) Víctor Huertas Martín
GIUV2024-613 GPAISAJE Geolandscape_UV Emilio Iranzo García
GIUV2014-190 SILVAGroup Group of Support for Investigation in Language Variation Analysis Francisco Miguel Ivorra Pérez
GIUV2013-137 FonCat Catalan Phonetics and Phonology Jesús Jiménez Martínez
GIUV2015-222 GRAM Archaeological Research Group on the Mediterranean José Luis Jiménez Salvador
GIUV2017-345 EVLA Study of violent phenomena in literature in German language Brigitte Jirku
GIUV2021-493 GEVMECYL Group of Visual Studies on Memory of slavery, Colonialism and its Legacies. Hasan G. López Sanz
GIUV2021-512 HEP Perspectives on Hegel Edgar Maraguat Idarraga
GIUV2013-080 HISLEDIA History and Historiography of Spanish Language in its Diachrony M. José Martínez Alcalde
GIUV2013-012 CiTrans Intercultural communication and translation Juan José Martínez Sierra
GIUV2015-230 GENTEXT Gender and social/sexual (in)equality research group Sergio Maruenda Bataller
GIUV2013-139 CIAO Italianistic Consortium of Analysis & Study of Literature Plays Juan Carlos de Miguel Canuto
GIUV2013-051 EFRAREME Literary and translation French studies: reception and mediation Evelio Miñano Martínez
GIUV2017-354 LAP Literature, arts and performance Laura Monros Gaspar
GIUV2024-615 LECOPECUE Language, cognition, perception, body and environment María Amparo Montaner Montava
GIUV2017-355 GRATUV Research and Theatrical Action Group of the Valencia University Carmen Morenilla Talens
GIUV2013-034 GIRLC Research Group on the Reception of the Classical Literatures Mireia Movellán Luis
GIUV2013-060 GEHTID Historical Studies Group for Democracy and Transitions to Democracy Francisco Javier Navarro Navarro
GIUV2013-037 HistConcep Conceptual History and criticism of the Modernity Faustino Oncina Coves
GIUV2016-329 DIVFOREVA Diversity and evaluation in lifelong learning Amparo Perez Carbonell
GIUV2013-151 Histradcyt History and scientific and technical translation in Spain (18th-20th centuries) María Julia Pinilla Martínez
GIUV2013-144 Hybrida Cultural hybridations and migrant identities Domingo Pujante González
GIUV2013-091 TCE Contemporary European Drama (18th-21st centuries): Criticism, reception and transnationality Ignacio Ramos Gay
GIUV2024-601 RECARTO Re-mapping. Research group on political ecology Luis Del Romero Renau
GIUV2016-296 INNODES Innovation and Local Development Julia Salom Carrasco
GIUV2013-092 GRETRALIGREHIMP Group de Research and Translation of Hellenistic and Imperial Greek Literature Jorge Luis Sanchis Llopis
GIUV2016-302 ANTROPIA Study group Anthropology, heritage and cultural imaginary Beatriz Santamarina Campos
GIUV2015-220 HISCUCON Cultural and social history of contemporanity Ismael Saz Campos
GIUV2013-044 MUPART Memory and meaning: use and perception of of artistic remains in Valencian region during Medieval and Early Modern Ages Amadeo Serra Desfilis
GIUV2014-201 GIRHA Resources innovation Group in Ancient History César Sierra Martín
GIUV2013-007 GLCC Group of Contemporary Catalan Literature Vicent Simbor Roig
GIUV2015-245 GENDIGIT Digital genres: linguistic analysis of production and reception Francisca Antonia Suau Jiménez
GIUV2023-558 GIEAA Research Group on Asian and African Studies RGAAS Gabriel Terol Rojo
GIUV2019-442 KV Kant-València Pedro Jesús Teruel Ruiz
GIUV2013-094 ARSMAYA Research group in art, archeology and cultural heritage Cristina Vidal Lorenzo