Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Geography and History Logo del portal


Course. Registration period open. For students of licenciatura and diplomatura (former Spanish undergraduate degrees) and engineering the 2 ECTS credits will be recognised as free elective credits.


Study of television advertising as a whole, focusing on the different types of advertising and campaigns in diverse environments.

Experts of the Valencian advertising sector will be invited to comment their work and value the projects presented by students.

20 hours / 2 free elective credits.

Price: 50 € University Community/ 70 € general public.

Professor: Diego Mollá Furió (Department of Language Theory and Communication Sciences)

Days: From 18 to 22 July, from 16:00 to 20:00 h.

For the self-registration process for the courses use the Portal de l’alumne page of the UV:



ScheduleFrom 17 june 2016 to 17 july 2016. Every day at 00:00 to 23:00.


Aula: Estudio 4 - Edificio INTRAS y TALLER DE AUDIOVISUALES –- C/ Serpis, 29 - Tarongers

Organized by

Servei d'Extensió Universitària.



Contact extensio@uv.es

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