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  • Master’s Degree in Biostatistics
    imatge de la noticiaThe Master’s Degree in Biostatistics has the goal to adapt the academic offer to the professional trends of the labour market regarding research in Epidemiology, Clinical and Pharmaceutical Research, and in Environmental and Natural Systems Research, regarding the gathering of professionals trained for the treatment and analysis of the available information in the research experiments carried out in any Biostatistics branch. The purpose of the degree is not only to produce experts in diverse statistical analysis techniques and procedures, but to train statistical professionals, experienced in information analysis. The Master’s Degree in Biostatistics is set out as a natural continuation of professional specialization and training of researchers in three very specific areas which are Epidemiology, clinical and pharmaceutical research and Environmental research. In these three areas, the special supply of epidemiologists, clinical analysts and environmental researchers came from specific degrees related to Biology, Medicine, Pharmacy and Environmental Sciences respectively. However, in the face of the vertiginous rhythm of research in all of them, the need for experts that not only have the knowledge and skills typical of what the degrees provide, but that receive training complements related to Statistical Modelling and advanced forecasting techniques has been increasing. These knowledge and skills are essential to guarantee a rigorous and acceptable planning of their experiments and researches, as well as a profitable treatment of the obtained information.
  • Master’s Degree in Biostatistics
    Recommended admission profile

    The proper previous training are provided by the Licenciaturas/Undergraduate studies of the area of Health and Life Sciences (Medicine, Biology, Pharmacy, Environment, Agricultural Engineering, etc.), and by the Licenciatura/Ingeniería Superior/Undergraduate studies in any of the areas of Basic Sciences and Techniques. Those holding a degree in any other areas that have professional experience in the area of this Master’s Degree will also provide a proper profile.





  • Master’s Degree in Biostatistics
    Admission criteria

    Admission to the Master’s Degree is carried out in a personal fashion, taking care of training and previous experience of the applicant in relation with the contents of the different subjects of the Master’s, as well as his/her academic record.

    The following scale will be considered for the admission:

    • 50%: academic record.
    • 20%: professional experience.
    • 10%: research experience
    • 20%: other merits (scholarships, collaborations, other degrees, language proficiency, etc.)



  • Master’s Degree in Biostatistics
    Credit: 90
    Courses: 2
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 30
    Language: Spanish
    Prize: 35,34 €/Credit
    Universities: University of Valencia
    Faculty of Mathematics
    Burjassot/Paterna CampusC/ Dr. Moliner, 5046100 Burjassot (Valencia)
    +34 963 544 356Geolocation
  • Master’s Degree in Mathematical Research
    imatge de la noticiaMathematics is a basic science, present in other sciences and in general in most of the knowledge branches. Its development is closely linked to the progress of human knowledge ever since ancient times and it is impossible to imagine the current world without the presence of Mathematics. On one hand, in the last years have arisen new applications in fields so diverse such as Genetics, Biotechnology, Cryptography, Information Technologies and Communication, Finances, etc. In this sense, we can find today mathematicians in jobs that require advanced specialised knowledge in Mathematics that are not obtained in the Degree. These go beyond the possibilities of the Master’s Degree.
  • Master’s Degree in Mathematical Research
    Recommended admission profile


    The access to the official postgraduate studies can be carried out from different training profiles.
    Those students that confirm holding a Licenciatura in Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Sciences or a degree in Engineering, will access the Master’s Degree directly, as well as those students holding a degree as part of the new study plan that substitutes the aforementioned degrees.
    For those students holding a degree which does not correspond with the above mentioned, the Master’s academic committee will require the necessary information of the student on his/her knowledge and will carry out a proposal on his/her conditions of admission, establishing in the corresponding case, a tutorship that is academically suitable.


  • Master’s Degree in Mathematical Research
    Admission criteria


    Students will be selected using criteria of academic excellence and agreements among the host and home universities. Personal interviewers will be carried out.



  • Master’s Degree in Mathematical Research
    Credit: 60
    Courses: 1
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 15
    Language: Spanish
    Prize: 35,34 €/Credit
    Universities: University of Valencia and Technical University of Valencia
    Faculty of Mathematics
    Burjassot/Paterna CampusC/ Dr. Moliner, 5046100 Burjassot (Valencia)
    +34 963 544 356Geolocation