Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Physics Logo del portal

Registration opened until 31 January 2016


The UV Faculty of Physics calls the 11th edition of the ‘Fira-Concurs “Experimenta” 2016’, which aims at turning middle-education students (from ESO, Batxillerat and 1st cycle vocational training courses) into active and creative characters in physics and technology.

The participants, with the aid of one of their centre’s tutors, will develop an experimental physics and/or technologic project which is afterwards displayed at an open fair where their work is explained and disseminated.

The fira-concurs starts with the registration of the projects up to 31 January 2016 and ends up with a fair opened to the public which will take place at the Museum of Science ‘Príncipe Felipe’ of Valencia on 24 April 2016; there, the participants will be able to show and explain their projects to the visiting public as well as to the jury.


Date From 24 november 2015 to 1 february 2016. 24h. Every day.


Museo Principe Felipe de la Ciudad de Las Ciencias

Organized by

Facultat de Física.



Contact experimenta@uv.es