Alumni, an initiative by Cátedra de Cultura Empresarial, is starting its activities with some thematic encounters and an event due for July

Sharing experiences and creating synergies are the goals of Alumni, a new meeting point that will gather people who had taken any of the courses of the Universitat de València’s Cátedra de Cultura Empresarial along the 13 years this chair has been running.

During the event, presided by the Universitat de València’s Principal, Esteban Morcillo, the chair and deputy chair of Alumni, who were former students Lorena Jericó and Alejandro Creus listed the activities that will be developed. After a survey, sent to 800 potentinal students, the action lines have been established for next months.

‘We want to keep in touch with our students, boost the collaboration among them and continue assisting them in their professional trajectories’, explained the president of the chair and also president of Cámara de Comercio de Valencia, José Vicente González.

Common interest thematic encounters

After the answers to the surveys were analyzed (which came mostly from students in the Programa de Creación y Desarrollo de empresas’ course 'Qui pot ser empresari?') some activities have been designed to find out experiences from entrepeneurs, find business opportunities with other alumnis and have the assistance of professionals. For this reason, some encounters have been organized, through work meetings and professional breakfasts, on topics of common interests. Moreover, in July, there is going to be a mass event where, in an interactive way, alumni will be able to present their business project so that they can receive any collaborations. In order to implement this, as Elena Jericó explained, social networks and online communication will have a vital role.

Last update: 6 de march de 2012 15:29.

News release