Alumni UVGeneral FoundationUniversity of Valencia Logo del portal

Aula-Museo de Ontinyent.
Visit to the air-raid shelters and the Ontinyent Aula-Museo registration


Alumni UV has organised a visit to the Aula-Museum of the Joaquín Costa School Group at the Ontinyent Campus on the 20th, which will bring to a close the 'War Scenarios' cycle that began last June. This activity is open to the public and will include the participation of the teacher  Carmen Agulló.

Moreover, the group will visit some of the air-raid shelters: a dozen of these shelters were built in Ontinyent at the time of the Spanish Civil War because of the progressive threat of new bombing raids.

The activity is part of the programme Alumni Comparteix.



Date 20 october 2021 at 08:30 to 14:30. Wednesday.



Organized by

Universitat de València

Fundació General de la Universitat de València

Alumni UV.



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