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Welcome Tomás Matus, new member of I2SysBio

  • May 8th, 2019
Tomás Matus

Tomás Matus is a plant biologist, holding a PhD in Agricultural Sciences (PUC, Chile), interested in the use of genomic and systems biology tools for studying regulatory networks of plant development and metabolism. He was a Postdoc at the Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG, 2008-2013, 2015-2019), in José Luis Riechmann's lab, gaining experience in omics technologies to understand flower development in Arabidopsis.

Recently started a research line in fruit crop systems biology, using tomato and grapevine fruit development as two models for understanding morphogenesis, growth and ripening of climacteric and non-climacteric fruits (Transcriptional Orchestration of Metabolism Research Group). He was awarded an EMBO long-term postdoc fellowship (2010-2012). Now Tomás joins the Institute for Integrative Systems Biology I2SysBio (Universitat de València-CSIC) through a Ramon y Cajal contract (2019) at the University of València.

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