Universitat de ValènciaCSICInstitute for Integrative Systems Biology (I2sysbio) Logo del portal

Álvarez Villanueva Patricia Predoctoral contract, project CSIC Systems Metabolic Engineering
Alzaher Ahmed Postdoctoral contract, project UV Virus Experimental Evolution
Ambrós Palaguerri Silvia Postdoctoral contract, project CSIC Evolutionary Systems Virology
Andreu Moreno Iván Predoctoral contract, FPU Program, UV Virus Experimental Evolution
Ansari Toledano Iván Technician contract, project UV Molecular Epidemiology
Aranda Fernández Agustín Tenured Scientist, CSIC Industrial Yeasts Biotechnology
Arnau Llombart Vicente Associated Professor, UV Theory, Bioinformatics and Computation
Barrera Martin Álvaro Predoctoral contract, project CSIC De Novo Synthetic Biology Lab (De-Novo-SB)
Beamud Aranguren Beatriz Predoctoral contract, FPU Program, UV Molecular Epidemiology
Bori Tormo Lucia Technician contract, project UV Evolutionary Genetics
Bou Prados Juan Vicente Predoctoral contract, project UV Virus Experimental Evolution
Butkovic Anamarija Predoctoral contract, Grisolía Program, CSIC Evolutionary Systems Virology
Cebriá Mendoza Mª Concepción Predoctoral contract, project UV Virus Experimental Evolution
Clemente Peiró María Jesús Laboratory Officer, UV Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology
Corbín Agustí Paola Predoctoral contract, project CSIC Systems Metabolic Engineering
Coscollá Devís Mireia Researcher, Ramón y Cajal Program Bacterial PathoGenOmics
Cuevas Torrijos José Manuel Researcher, Ramón y Cajal Program Virus Experimental Evolution
Cuti Paolo Predoctoral contract, ITN-MCS, UV Evolutionary Genetics
de la Iglesia Jordán Francisca Specialist technician, CSIC Evolutionary Systems Virology
Díaz Villanueva Wladimiro Associated Professor, UV Theory, Bioinformatics and Computation
Distin Mitchell R. Predoctoral contract, project UV Evolutionary Genetics
Domingo Calap Pilar Postdoctoral contract, project UV Virus Experimental Evolution
Domínguez Santos Rebeca Postdoctoral contract, project UV Evolutionary Genetics
Durán Moreno María Technician contract, project UV Virus Experimental Evolution
Elena Fito Santiago F. Research Full Professor, CSIC Evolutionary Systems Virology
Escrig Doménech Aarón Laboratory officer, UV Administrative and technical staff
Escrivá López Consuelo Laboratory technician, UV Administrative and technical staff
Espert Rehues Antonio Technician contract, project UV Bacterial PathoGenOmics
Francés Cuesta Carlos Predoctoral contract, FPI Program, UV Molecular Epidemiology
García Ferris Carlos Associated Professor, UV Evolutionary Genetics
García González Neris Predoctoral contract, project UV Molecular Epidemiology
García López José Luis Research Full Professor, CSIC Systems Metabolic Engineering
Garrigós Contelles Víctor Laboratory Technician, UV Industrial Yeasts Biotechnology
Garrote Sánchez Emilio Predoctoral contract, project UV Evolutionary Genetics
Garzón García Julia Laboratory officer, UV Administrative and technical staff
Geller Ron Researcher, Ramón y Cajal Program Viral Biology
Gil García Mª Rosario Associated Professor, UV Evolutionary Genetics
Gómez Gustavo Germán Tenured Scientist, CSIC Non-Coding RNA-Mediated Regulatory Networks
González Candelas Fernando Full Professor, UV Molecular Epidemiology
González Miguélez Ruben Predoctoral contract, FPI Program, CSIC Evolutionary Systems Virology
Grijalva Vallejos Nubia Jimena Predoctoral contract, SENESCYT Program, UV Industrial Yeasts Biotechnology
Herrera Conejero Beatriz Predoctoral contract, FPU Program, UV Molecular Epidemiology
Hillung Julia Postdoctoral contract, VALi+d Program, UV Molecular Epidemiology
Jaramillo Rosales Alfonso Scientific Researcher, CSIC De Novo Synthetic Biology Lab (De-Novo-SB)
Jiménez Ochoa Sofía Predoctoral contract, project CSIC De Novo Synthetic Biology Lab (De-Novo-SB)
Kutnjak Denis Postdoctoral contract, Slovenia government Evolutionary Systems Virology
Lafita Togores Mª Victoria Authorized payer, CSIC Administrative and technical staff
Larrieux Lima Alejandra Technician contract, project UV Virus Experimental Evolution
Latorre Castillo Amparo Full Professor, UV Evolutionary Genetics
Latorre Roselló Victor Postdoctoral contract, project UV Viral Biology
López Marín Esther Research assistant, project CSIC De Novo Synthetic Biology Lab (De-Novo-SB)
Marín Miret Jesús Predoctoral contract, project UV Evolutionary Genetics
Martín García Susana Postdoctoral contract, project CSIC Evolutionary Systems Virology
Martínez Torres David Associated Professor, UV Evolutionary Genetics
Matallana Redondo Emilia Full Professor, UV Industrial Yeasts Biotechnology
Mattenberger Florian Predoctoral contract, FPI Program, UV Viral Biology
Matus Picero José Tomás Researcher, Ramón y Cajal Program Transcriptional Orchestration of Metabolism
Mejía Castañeda María Lorena Predoctoral contract Carolina Foundation Molecular Epidemiology
Molina Menor Esther Predoctoral contract, FPU Program, UV Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology
Montagud Martínez Roser Predoctoral contract, project CSIC Biosystems Design
Montesinos Ortí Mariel Project manager contract, project CSIC De Novo Synthetic Biology Lab (De-Novo-SB)
Moya Simarro Andrés Full Professor, UV Evolutionary Genetics
Muñoz Benavent María Predoctoral contract, FPU Program, UV Evolutionary Genetics
Navarro Marin Elena Administrative personnel, UV Administrative and technical staff
Orduña Rubio Luis Predoctoral contract, FPI Program, UV Transcriptional Orchestration of Metabolism
Oteo Araco José Ángel Associated Professor, UV Theory, Bioinformatics and Computation
Panach González Layla Technician contract, project UV Virus Experimental Evolution
Pascual Tomás Claudia Predoctoral contract, project CSIC De Novo Synthetic Biology Lab (De-Novo-SB)
Pastor Merino Paula Predoctoral contract, project CSIC De Novo Synthetic Biology Lab (De-Novo-SB)
Pazmiño Ibarra Verónica Salomé Predoctoral contract, project UV Virus Experimental Evolution
Peña Garay Carlos Tenured Scientist, CSIC Theory, Bioinformatics and Computation
Peretó Magraner Juli Full Professor, UV Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology
Pla Díaz Marta Predoctoral contract, FPU Program, UV Molecular Epidemiology
Porcar Miralles Manuel Researcher, UV Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology
Pozo Fernández-Freire Ana Belén Management director, CSIC Administrative and technical staff
Ramos Andrades Cristina Postdoctoral contract, project CSIC De Novo Synthetic Biology Lab (De-Novo-SB)
Rodrigo Tárrega Guillermo José Tenured Scientist, CSIC Biosystems Design
Romero Cortés Pablo Yussef Predoctoral contract, project UV Transcriptional Orchestration of Metabolism
Sanjuan Verdeguer Rafael Associated Professor, UV Virus Experimental Evolution
Satari Faghihi Leila Technician contract, project UV Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology
Segredo Otero Ernesto Alejandro Predoctoral contract, FPU Program, UV Virus Experimental Evolution
Silva Moreno Francisco J. Full Professor, UV Evolutionary Genetics
Toft Christina Junior Researcher contract, SEJI-GVA Panomics and Evolutionary Systems Microbiology
Torrellas Marco Max Predoctoral contract, FPI Program, UV Industrial Yeasts Biotechnology
Valiente Mullor Carlos Predoctoral contract, FPU Program, UV Molecular Epidemiology
Vallejo Estará Beatriz Predoctoral contract, FPU Program, UV Industrial Yeasts Biotechnology
Vargas Anabel Research assistant, project CSIC De Novo Synthetic Biology Lab (De-Novo-SB)
Vidal Verdú Àngela Predoctoral contract, FPU Program, UV Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology
Zhang Chen Predoctoral contract, CSC (China Scholarship Council) Program, UV Transcriptional Orchestration of Metabolism