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The first Young Researchers' Day is celebrated

  • July 1st, 2022
Chantal Renau receives the award for the best communication from the co-directors, Emilia Matallana and Santiago F. Elena, and the coordinator of the workshop, Carla Rubio
Chantal Renau receives the award for the best communication from the co-directors, Emilia Matallana and Santiago F. Elena, and the coordinator of the workshop, Carla Rubio

On June 9 and 10, 2022, the first day dedicated to the research carried out by the predoctoral staff was held in the seminar room of the Institute.

Research staff from the different groups of I2SysBio had the opportunity to share their object of study, results and problems. The conference gathered a total of 16 presentations between short oral communications and posters. At the end of the conference, a vote was held for the best paper, which on this occasion was awarded to Chantal Renau, from the Bacterial Pathogenomics group led by Mireia Coscollá, for her paper "Deciphering the genome content of Mycobacterium brumae, a bacterium species with therapeutic potential".

A new meeting of predoctoral researchers is scheduled for the second half of the year.