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Developing knowledge-based companies: a personal view

  • June 10th, 2016
Cartell del seminari

[Seminar cancelled]. JUAN J. ESTRUCH.

Date: 10 June 2016.

Hour: 12:30.

Venue: Sala d’Actes dels Instituts (Edifici de Capçalera, Parc Científic, Universitat de València).

Organizer: Institute for Integrative Systems Biology I2SysBio (UV-CSIC)

Host: Daniel Ramón (daniel.ramon@biopolis.es).


Applications of science and technology to pharmaceutical and industrial aspects are one of the most rewarding ways to create new solutions that help thousands of people and also have the potential to improve the level of life. In fact, any investment in a portfolio of health issues in general generates a return that is higher than in any other sector (e.g. the S&P 500 for health care has resulted in a 162% return since 2010, compared to a 97% average). This presentation will focus on a number of personal experiences of creation and development of organizations with the common theme of being based on scientific and biotechnological aspects. From a company as Diversa, entirely based on a scientific platform for prospecting natural diversity, and how we used such strategic collaborations with pharmaceutical companies to fund our growth up to the public offer. Through the following company, Prometheus, with a very different model that focused on personalized medicine, unlike any other company of diagnostic and pharmaceutical, allowing the rapid commercialization of products, the generation of cash flow and consequently, the self-financing of the company almost from the beginning. Completing the presentation with the application in a new land with a very high growth potential, the area of ​​biotechnology-based veterinary medicine and the accumulated knowledge on human medicine. Each of these examples represents diverse but very representative strategies that can be followed to build biotechnology-based companies.

About. Juan J. Estruch. CEO and Director, Vetica Labs Inc. San Diego, California.

Juan J. (Juanjo) Estruch graduated in Biology at the Universitat de València and received his Ph.D. in 1990 in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the same University performing research at IATA (CSIC) and Essen GMS University (Germany). After a postdoctoral research stay in the Max-Planck Institute in Köln (Germany), earned an MBA degree as Fuqua Scholar from Duke University in 1999. He was Business and Licenses Director at Novartis, Business Vice-president at Diversa and Prometheus, CEO at Y-On-Health, and Founder and Principal at Vet Therapeutics, Inc. He also serves as the Chief Executive Officer and Director at Vetica Labs, Inc. Dr. Estruch has over 20 years of professional experience in large and small Life Science/Biotech companies managing all aspects of business development from concept to commercial implementation. He has had tenure positions at Ciba, Novartis, Diversa and Prometheus with increasing responsibility where he championed multiple deals with Pharma/Biotech companies in diverse fields including antibodies and other therapeutic proteins related programs.
