University of ValenciaLa Nau GranUVculture Logo del portal

The University of Valencia, through its training programme for people above the age of 55, La Nau Gran, is member of the National Association of University Programmes for Seniors (AEPUM) since November 2010.

The association is created by public and private universities and by entities with legal responsibility which aim to foster the university training for senior people and contribute to the cultural development of this collective. The AEPUM is an association of university interest which host to the provisions of the Organic Law 1/2002, 22 March (BOE, 26 March) (LODA) with full legal capacity to act, and a nonprofit association.

It has more than forty programmes as associates, and its action affects to more than 30.000 over 55 students.

More information in the webpage of AEPUM.