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The University Elderly Programme of the Universitat de València, La Nau Gran and the Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences of the Universitat de València present the Course of Higher Education in Classical Antiquity Reasoning and Culture (ANCLA).

  • Addressee

This course is opened to any person aging more than 55 years-old who is interested to delve into the reasoning and culture of classical antiquity. However, admission will prioritise students who have coursed Philosophy and Humanities, have finished the Programme La Nau Gran and are graduates in Arts and Humanities.

40 places are offered for the first year. The University Extension Service reserves the right to cancel a course if a minimal number of students was not reached.

  • General objectives

The objective of the course is to provide an advance education in Classical Antiquity Reasoning and Culture from an interdisciplinary and transversal point of view to delve into our roots. This education enables you to have documented and critical access to the texts of key authors who have determined the evolution of our culture and have contributed decisively to shape the way of thinking and living in our society. Philosophy, tragedy, poetry, human condition, mythology and religion constitute the basis that back up our manner of thinking and interpreting the world. Education will be oriented towards research in these areas of knowledge for those students who desire it.

  • Duration

The programme of studies lasts two academic years. The first year will be stablished in 2018-2019. The second course will be possible to course during the 2019-2020 academic year.

  • Structure of Studies

Students must pass 11 subjects (2 ECTS) and 1 subject (3 ECTS) to obtain the Certificate of Higher Education. Students who course the Seminar of Research (3 ECTS) will obtain a special mention in their certificate.

  • Price

First year: € 305.87

Second year: € 255.87

Seminar of Research (voluntary): € 100

  • Presentation ceremony of the course

Wednesday, 2 of May 2018, from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. (Conference room of the Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences, Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 30).

  • Registration procedure

You must fulfil a registration form available in our webpage from 7 to 22 May 2018 to request the pre-registration.