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Here you have the recipe of the authentic Valencian Paella, a centuries-old culinary treasure.

  • April 4th, 2024
Image de la noticia

Spanish cuisine's emblematic dish, Valencian paella, reveals its authenticity rooted in the historical richness and ancestral flavours in the Valencia region. More than a delicacy, it is a cultural legacy that is preserved with genuine ingredients and a centuries-old recipe, forged in tradition and care for culinary details.

In the heart of Spain's Mediterranean region, the Valencian paella emerges as a true culinary gem, transcending time and keeping alive the aromas and flavours that have delighted entire generations.

This iconic dish, more than just a recipe, embodies the essence of a tradition rooted in the history and pride of the Valencian lands. With its roots in the market garden and the culinary skills of generations past, Valencian paella stands as a cultural legacy that has conquered palates around the world.

Its authenticity lies in the meticulous combination of simple yet powerful ingredients: rice, chicken, rabbit, green bean, butter beans, tomato, olive oil, saffron, water and salt. The careful selection of each component and the cooking process in a traditional paella pan are the key to obtaining that perfect blend of flavours and textures that characterise this dish.

The secret of its exquisiteness lies not only in the quality of the fresh ingredients, but also in the time and patience invested in their preparation. The precise combination of heat, the even distribution over the fire and the exact touch of spices are the fundamental steps to achieving authentic Valencian paella.

More than a feast for the palate, Valencian paella represents a symbol of conviviality and celebration. In every Valencian family, its preparation is a ritual that unites generations around the table, sharing not only an exquisite dish, but also stories and traditions that are transmitted from parents to children.

Although its popularity has transcended borders, it is in Valencia that its authenticity is preserved and venerated. The master paella makers, heirs to an ancestral culinary wisdom, are guardians of this legendary recipe, defending its integrity and passing on its secrets to new generations.

Valencian paella, with its unique blend of flavours and historical roots, remains a culinary masterpiece that captivates the senses and the soul, reminding us that, in every bite lies the very essence of a region, its people and its history.

Exquisite Valencian Paella Recipe

INGREDIENTS (4 to 6 people):

  • 300 grams of rice (preferably 'bomba' rice)
  • 150 grams of chicken
  • 150 grams of rabbit
  • 100 grams green beans
  • 100 grams of butter beans
  • 2 grated ripe tomatoes
  • Olive oil
  • Saffron
  • Water
  • Salt



STEP 1: Heat olive oil in a paella pan and add the chopped chicken and rabbit. Fry until golden brown.



STEP 2: Add the green beans and butter beans and cook for a few more minutes.









STEP 3: Add the grated tomatoes and cook until it cooks down and concentrates.



STEP 4: Add hot water (twice the amount of rice), saffron and salt to taste.



STEP 5: When the water is boiling, add the rice.









STEP 6: Cook over medium heat for about 20 minutes.









STEP 7: When the rice is almost ready, reduce the heat and let it sit for a few minutes.


It is important to mention that there are regional and personal variations in the paella recipe, so some people may add additional ingredients or change some of those mentioned above. But this is the basis of the traditional Valencian recipe!

In the traditional Valencian paella recipe, there are certain ingredients that are not usually used, as they move away from the authenticity of the dish. Some of these prohibited ingredients are considered taboo for Valencian paella:


  • Chorizo: Although it is a common ingredient in other variants of paella, such as mixed paella, the authentic Valencian version does not contain chorizo.

  • Red pepper: In the original recipe, red pepper is not usually used. Tomato concentrate is made with tomato and sometimes green pepper, but red is not part of the traditional recipe.

  • Seafood: Authentic Valencian paella does not include seafood such as prawns, mussels or squid. These ingredients are more characteristic of other paella variants, such as seafood paella.

  • Onion: Although some recipes may include onions, in the more traditional version of Valencian paella, this ingredient is dispensed with in the tomato concentrate.

These ingredients are usually avoided in the authentic Valencian paella recipe to maintain its original flavour and preparation. However, it is important to mention that the cuisine is versatile and regional or personal variations can lead to the inclusion of some of these ingredients in modern or adapted recipes.