On 23 March, the Office of the Vice-Principal for Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life of the Universitat de València (UV) will inaugurate the first series of Dialogues on Social Responsibility at the Universitat de València, in ADEIT.
The Dialogues aim to foster spaces for ongoing reflection to raise awareness, disseminate values and promote practical actions in our university community, taking as a basis a cross-cutting and multidisciplinary approach to university social responsibility. Universities have a clear commitment and responsibility with society, in terms of reviewing methodologies, training future professionals and establishing external relations and alliances for the transformation of their actions and functions as higher education institutions.
The Dialogues are aimed at developing the different aspects of social responsibility stemming from a mentality of sustainability in action and constitute a key tool at the Universitat de València to amplify its environmental and social impact.
At a methodological level, they are conceived as spaces for fluid dialogue, based on a participatory, inclusive and deliberative methodology, which facilitate the understanding and enrichment of all the voices involved, both within the UV university community and externally. This allows us to forge alliances with other institutions, organisations, companies, civil society and citizens in general.
Several types of dialogues will be held with different formats depending on their purpose and target audience. On the one hand, Open, free-access, interactive, multi-stakeholder and multi-level dialogues, facilitating the participation of the entire university community and society in general. On the other hand, Focused dialogues with limited participation, aimed at a specific target audience and facilitated by scientific staff and/or key informants in order to develop critical thinking, the exchange of good practices and the design of action plans. In both cases, these are spaces for mutual enrichment and to question the values of the university community.
Envisioning the Universitat de València we want in the future necessarily involves facing the challenges posed by university social responsibility to promote the alignment of the strategic planning of the governance of the Universitat de València with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda, the 2030 Sustainable Development Strategy and the European Union’s Just Transition Mechanisms (2021-27). At the same time, the fact that the city of Valencia has recently been awarded the title of European Green Capital in 2024 is a clear commitment to a new university governance in connection with the Valencian public administration, the productive fabric and civil society that will strengthen the University-City and Sustainable Communities coupling, in order to move towards a decarbonised, resilient, fair and equitable society.
The role of the University for a fair and sustainable agri-food transition
16:00 Institutional inauguration of the III Dialogues on Social Responsibility at the University of Valencia. Vice-Principal for Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Living of the Universitat de València, Pilar Serra Añó
16:05 Open dialogues: The role of the University for a fair and sustainable agri-food transition
Ana Moragues. European PhD in Agricultural Economics, Rural sociology and Food Policy. Investigadora Universitat de Barcelona
Patricia Dopazo. Food Sovereignty Magazine. Cooperativa el Pa Sencer.
Edurne Caballero. President of CERAI (Centre for Rural Studies and International Agriculture).
María Cortés. United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network.
Moderator: Nuria García Cebrián. Journalist
17:45 Closing: Vice-Principal for Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Living of the Universitat de València, Pilar Serra Añó |
Public procurement: a tool to advance a more responsible, fair and sustainable university
June 22
Saló d'Actes Edifici Rectorat
16.00 hours. Institutional inauguration of the Diàlegs on Social Responsibility at the Universitat de
Vice-Principal for Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Living of the Universitat de València prof. Dr. Pilar Serra Añó
16.15 p.m. Responsible, fair and sustainable public procurement.
Ms. Ximena Lazo. Expert in green public procurement. Professor at the University of Alcalá de Henares.
Coordinator of the Green Public Procurement Research Group.
David Comet. Expert in responsible consumption, Member of Fundación Ideas and Technical Area of Cooperation and
Solidarity University of Córdoba.
Alberto Gil Costa. Manager of the University of Zaragoza
Ms. Nuria García Cebrián. Journalist
17.45 p.m. Closure
Assembly Hall of the Rectorate Building of the Universitat de València.
Blasco Ibáñez, 13. Valencia
Sustainable universities: inspiration for transform-action.
Thursday, March 23
Institutional inauguration of the Dialogues on Social Responsibility at the University of Valencia.
Ms. Pilar Serra Añó. Vice-Principal for Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life of the Universitat de València
José Vicente Soler Gironés Director General de Economía Sostenible,
Open Diaologue
5:15 p.m. Open Dialogues: Sustainable Universities: Inspiration for Transform-Action.
Ms. Nuria García Cebriá. Journalist
Mr. Manuel Pérez Mateos. President of the Sustainability Committee of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE). Principal of the University of Burgos.
Mr. Javier Benayas del Álamo. Full University Professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid. Inter-university Institute Advanced Research on Science and University Evaluation (INAECU). Director of the research team Education and Environmental Participation. Member of the Advisory Council of the Spanish Network for Sustainable Development.
Ms. Ana María Pedraz. Director of MSc International Business Management. Professor of Business Ethics and Sustainability at Kingston University. Winner of the Seed Funding Competition for Developing Innovative Pedagogic Approaches and Teaching Practices in Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) of the UN in 2020.
Ms. Isabel Rimanoczy. Coordinator of the PRME Working Group on Sustainability Mindset, the academic division of the United Nations Global Compact. Author of The Sustainability Mindset Principles: A Guide for Educators to Shape a Better World. Manager of the Sustainability Mindset Indicator.
6:40 p.m. Awards ceremony and closing event:
Ms. Pilar Serra Añó | H.E. Vice-Principal for Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life of the Universitat de València
Contest ‘Sustainability in a Twitter Thread: ‘FilSostenibilitatUV’. Office of the Vice-Principal for Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life.
Awards for the Best Undergraduate Degree Final Projects (TFG) and Master's Degree Final Projects (TFM). Chair for Cooperation and Sustainable Development.
You can follow the meeting via streaming.
Prior registration is required (free).