Each course is divided in two terms. Two 30-hour core subjects are taught in each term so that at the end of the course the student will have studied 4 core subjects. In total, the student will course 120 hours of mandatory subjects plus 80 additional hours of optional subjects.
The distribution of the subjects for the academic course 2018-2019 is the following:
Archaeology Professor: David Quixal Music Professor: Ana Mª Botella/Rafa Fernández |
History of art Professor: Elvira Mocholí Healthcare Professor: Julio Fernández |
Law Professor:Encarnación LaSpina Philosophy Professor: Fernando Soler |
Sociology of communication Professor: Vicente Fenoll Professor: Sergi Doménech |
Literatura Professor: Miguel Martínez Professor: Paco Sánchez |
Economy Professor: Miguel Pérez Professor: Noelia Rangel |
In addition, the classes are complemented with a long catalogue of optional subjects. The students of the Universitat dels Majors do not have to sit exams and the only requirement for obtaining a certificate at the end of the itinerary is attending classes.
The students who finish the first stage of classes have the possibility to continue their studies in the second stage.