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II Simposio Los Tres Reinos
2nd Symposium The Three Realms. Free open enrolment

In 2008 and after a long process, the 1st Symposium The Cross of the Three Realms was developed. Space and time in a border territory. The venue was the Valencian town of Ademuz. The aim was to bring people together, researchers, peoples, realities, problems and solutions of these territories with a clear common problem. The tripoint (in the district of Castielfabib, village of Arroyo Cerezo) links the lands of Castile, Aragon and Valencia. The Symposium was a great success in terms of public, speakers and communications, as well as dynamising the locality. Their findings were published in 2011 in a book entitled La Cruz de los Tres Reinos. Espacio y tiempo en un territorio de frontera (UCLM; 2011) (Spanish for The Cross of the Three Realms. Space and time in a border territory) coordinated by Josep Montesinos and Carmen Poyatos.

Now we want to present the 2nd Symposium. For this occasion, the three Universities of the territories are participating: Universitat de València (Faculty of Geography and History), University of Castilla-La Mancha (Faculty of Education and Humanities, Cuenca Campus), University of Zaragoza (Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Teruel Campus). The headquarters will be in the town of Ademuz, and Moya in Cuenca, plus Libros in Teruel.

The Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua (AVL) has joined the organisation and will coordinate the ‘Hablas’ (Spanish for Speech) section, following the tradition of various conferences held in the past.

As in the first edition of the symposium, the Asociación de Amigos de Moya (Spanish for Association of Friends of Moya) and the Instituto Cultural y de Estudios del Rincón de Ademuz (ICERA) (Spanish for Rincón de Ademuz Institute for Cultural Studies) are taking part in the organisation. Other institutions from the three territories are also expected to participate.

There will be several blocks of content, around the Speeches of the different areas, the Cultural and Natural Heritage and the Territory.

Info 2nd Symposium:



Date From 20 may 2022 to 14 july 2022. 24h. Every day.


Ademuz, Cuenca, Libros

Organized by

UV Cultural Service.



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