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Ayudas de la Fundación Biodiversidad
Grants from the Biodiversity Foundation

Grants from the Biodiversity Foundation (FB) to support research programmes and projects in the field of biodiversity management, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan for 2022.

The Biodiversity Foundation has published the award of grants to public universities in the Valencian Community to finance research projects that promote the application of scientific knowledge for decision-making in the planning and management of biodiversity for the year 2022.

Information on this can be found in the following links:

Summary of the call

Website of the call

In order to guarantee the correct processing and to avoid incidents, you must send us the documentation by 16th September.

More information in (processing enquires); (budget enquires) and (recruitment enquires).


ScheduleFrom 29 july 2022 to 16 september 2022. Every day at 00:00 to 00:56.


Research Management Service

Organized by

Biodiversity Foundation.



More information