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The programme of temporary exhibitions, organised by the University Culture Service, constitutes a fundamental area of the cultural policy of the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society. The programme of temporary exhibitions has become a fundamental cultural tool for the promotion and communication of the fundamental values that define the Universitat de València, which has been in continuous operation for over five centuries.

The fundamental criteria that underpin the temporary exhibitions programme are derived from the values and commitments established in the UV Statutes and Strategic Plan. These are as follows:

• progress in scientific knowledge;

• UV’s scientific and cultural heritage;

• promotion of critical thinking;

• respect for ideological and cultural diversity;

• recovery and dissemination of culture

• dissemination and support for temporary creativity;

• denouncing inequality and social exclusion;

• sustainability and defence of the natural environment;

• promotion of participatory networks.

Most exhibitions are produced and presented at La Nau, the current cultural centre of the Universitat de València. This venue has a long-standing tradition of hosting exhibitions that dates back to the end of the 18th century. The exhibition halls at La Nau, which total six in number (Acadèmia, Estudi General, Oberta, Martínez Guerricabeitia, Duc de Calàbria and Bigues), are equipped with the appropriate conditions and technical resources to facilitate optimal museum exhibitions.

In addition to La Nau, the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society also organises temporary exhibitions at other university centres, including the Palau de Cerveró, the Rector Peset Hall of Residence and the Botanical Garden, according to the theme, content and format of the projects. Therefore, the UV’s exhibition offer is considerably expanded. This expansion must be considered in conjunction with the constant presence and exhibitions on the university campuses, which are managed through the programme Culture on Culture on Campus or specific calls such as the Mostra art públic / universitat pública, which has been in operation for over 25 years and has a strong presence on the different campuses.