Provisional results for admission to doctoral studies 2024-2025 Provisional results for admission to doctoral studies 2024-2025 25/09/24 [Read more]
PREMIS MAVI DOLÇ I GASTALDO A L’ÚS DEL VALENCIÀ EN TESIS DOCTORALS PREMIS MAVI DOLÇ I GASTALDO A L’ÚS DEL VALENCIÀ EN TESIS DOCTORALS 20/06/24 Els Premis Mavi Dolç i Gastaldo a l’ús del valencià i la qualitat lingüística en tesis doctorals tenen la finalitat d'incentivar-ne l’ús i millorar-ne la qualitat de la llengua.[Read more]
INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR PROFESSOR MARIANO HEYDEN INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR PROFESSOR MARIANO HEYDEN 13/06/24 Professor Mariano Heyden (Monash Business School) will offer on Thursday, June 20, a seminar organized by the research group on management teams, business strategy and corporate governance (TMT-BS)[Read more]
Information sessions on doctoral studies at the Universitat de València Information sessions on doctoral studies at the Universitat de València 31/05/24 The Doctoral School organises three information sessions for students about doctoral studies at the University of Valencia. [Read more]
PHD DEFENCE PHD DEFENCE 07/05/24 The Doctoral Program in Business Administration announces the public defence of PhD candidate Ana Carolina Martínez Romero thesis, entitled: “Mejores métodos para la enseñanza en creación de...[Read more]
PHD DEFENCE PHD DEFENCE 26/04/24 The Doctoral Program in Business Administration announces the public defence of PhD candidate Vicent Climent Ciscar thesis, entitled: “Aportación de valor en parques científicos en función de los...[Read more]
The pre-registration period for the 2024-2025 doctoral programmes is now open The pre-registration period for the 2024-2025 doctoral programmes is now open 25/04/24 The Universitat de València has one of the widest ranges of doctoral programmes of all Spanish universities, with 60 programmes covering all fields of knowledge. Choose your doctorate and...[Read more]
SEMINARI INTERNACIONAL PROFESSOR RÉNÉ ROHRBECK SEMINARI INTERNACIONAL PROFESSOR RÉNÉ ROHRBECK 23/04/24 Professor René Rohrbeck will teach a seminar within the Doctoral Program on Business Management. [Read more]
INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR PROFESSOR JUANI SWART INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR PROFESSOR JUANI SWART 19/04/24 Professor Juani Swart will teach a seminar within the Doctoral Program on Business Management. [Read more]
2nd Workshop Junior Researchers DDE 2nd Workshop Junior Researchers DDE 21/03/24 II WORKSHOP JUNIOR RESEARCHERS DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION JUAN JOSE RENAU PIQUERAS 30 & 31 May [Read more]
El 10 d’abril es celebrarà la Jornada “DoctoratLAB: Investiga, transfereix i emprén” organitzada per UVemprén i l’Escola de Doctorat de la Universitat de València. El 10 d’abril es celebrarà la Jornada “DoctoratLAB: Investiga, transfereix i emprén” organitzada per UVemprén i l’Escola de Doctorat de la Universitat de València. 13/03/24 [Read more]
PhD DEFENCE PhD DEFENCE 05/02/24 The Doctoral Program in Business Administration announces the public defence of PhD candidate Andrea Estefanía Vinueza Cabezas, entitled: “Sistemas de trabajo de alto compromiso e Inovación: el...[Read more]