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The Doctoral Programme is organized by the Faculty of Physics. Its training period is structured around the University Master’s Degree in Advanced Physics of the UV. Its investigation period has a small teaching complement called “Specialized Seminars” in which teaching programmes will be offered, specialized in one or several thematic.

In this teaching complement the Doctoral Programme in Physics will participate , in particular, doctors from the departments of Astronomy and Astrophysics; Applied Physics and Electromagnetics; Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics; Theoretical Physics; and Optic Physics; all of them from the UV; doctors from the IFIC "Instituto de Física Corpuscular" (Corpuscular Physics Institute) joint centre of the UV-CSIC); and doctors from the General Foundation of the UV, subscribed as researchers to the departments or to previously indicated institutes.

From the academic and scientific point of view, the interest and the relevance of the Doctoral Programme of Physics is directly related to the training provided for teaching and research in public and private sectors. In addition, from the professional point of view, the transcendence of the contribution of Physics to the technological development, and therefore, to the training of technologists, it’s crucial in any modern society which wants to base its development on the specialist knowledge.