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Open registration on web to the second Summer University of Sagunto

The Universitat de València presents the second edition of the Summer University of Sagunto, the result of close collaboration between the Universitat de València and the City Council of Sagunto, with funding from the Provincial Council of Valencia.

The 2nd edition of the Sagunto Summer University is entitled "Heritage Roads. Cultural Crossroads" and aims to highlight the incorporation of Sagunto into the Cultural Itinerary of the Council of Europe: the Route of the Phoenicians and the European Route of Industrial Heritage, sponsored by the European Commission. Another of the main objectives is to deepen the analysis of the preparation of its candidacy for World Heritage. On the one hand, the aim is to consider the historical importance of Sagunto from a territorial perspective and, on the other, to consolidate the cultural vision that its heritage gives to today's society as an element that shapes its memory.

The Summer University of Sagunto is a meeting point for teachers, professionals, students and citizens of the town and its immediate surroundings, over two days in the afternoon. "Sagunto, Patrimonio de la Humanidad" is a free initiative open to the general public, with the participation of specialists in cultural heritage from the University of Valencia (Faculty of Geography and History and Faculty of Social Sciences) and other areas of society.


Date From 26 july 2018 to 21 september 2018. 24h. Every day.


Centro Cultural "Mario Monreal" c/ Roma, 9 Sagunto

Organized by

Vicerrectorado de Proyección Territorial y Sociedad, Diputación de Valencia y Ayuntamiento de Sagunto.


Contact unitatsuport@uv.es

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