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La Nau dels Estudiants
La Nau dels Estudiants 2020

From 1st July to 30th August, registration is open for the courses of La Nau dels Estudiants, a training proposal that provides students with a set of practical knowledge and resources useful for the academic experience. The initiative, which is organised by the Information and Promotion Service (Sedi), will take place from 1st to 11th September 2020, before the start of the academic year. 

This year, following the recommendations of the different educational and health bodies for the present time, it will be held in online mode. In addition, the programme has been reduced to 6 courses: How to improve study techniques, Strategies and techniques for oral expression in the academic and professional environment, Drawing up and writing a project, Information management: databases, Making the most of spreadsheets and Building masculinity(s) in the university context.

The courses at La Nau dels Estudiants have a duration of 20 hours and an academic recognition of 1 ECTS credit, except for the course Building Masculinity(s) in the University Context (free, 10 hours long and without academic recognition). In order to obtain the corresponding certificate, the verification conditions established for each course must be met and passed with the achievement assessment.


ScheduleFrom 1 july 2020 to 11 september 2020. Every day at 09:00 to 23:59.



Organized by

SeDi Information and Promotion Service.



Contact nauest@uv.es

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