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The University of Valencia discharges water to the sewerage of Valencia, Burjassot and Paterna, and finally goes to treatment plants before be discharged to natural water channels.

In the laboratories of the University people work with very dangerous for the environment products, which requires strict management of waste to avoid damage to the environment. The best way to verify that this waste management is working properly is checking for any debris into drains, before the waters reach the sewerage system.

Study of UV discharges

On the initiative of the Department of Environment of the University is carried out to characterize the UV discharges through an agreement with a research group of the Department of Analytical Chemistry.

In these studies, samples of the water discharged to the sewerage system of several buildings are made up and the quality parameters are analysed and compared with the limit values ​​determined in the statutes of the municipalities of Valencia, Paterna and Burjassot.

You can consult the last study on the following link:

Discharges report UV 2024 (.pdf)

At the end of the document all the buildings which have been analyzed are studied individually.

També podeu consultar els estudis complets d'anys anteriors als enllaços següents: