Universitat de ValènciaInstitute of Materials Science (ICMUV) Logo del portal


The X-ray diffraction in samples of crystalline powder is a non-destructive technique which allow both the identification of the different existing crystalline phases in a sample and the structural and microstructural characterisation of solids. As the length of X-ray waves are of the same order that the interatomic distance of crystals, these will behave as networks of diffraction, diffracting X-rays in particular directions and with characteristic forces depending on their crystalline structure. The microstructure of the material marks out the area in which the crystalling structure remains unaltered: the crystalline imperfections and the size of the grain affect the form of the difraction profile of the material, what makes possible its study through this technique.

Application of X-ray diffraction

  • Qualitative and quantitative analysis of crystalline phases
  • Structural determination. Resolution and refinement of crystalline structures
  • Characterisation of phase transitions
  • Monitoring of the reactions in solid state
  • Estimation of the size of the particle

Equipment available

Seifert XRD 3003 TT Powder Diffractometer with automatic sample holder

Seifert XRD 3003 TT Powder Diffractometer with automatic sample holder

Additional Information




Local address:

Laboratorio 0.3.3
Edificio "Blanco"
Campus Universitario de Paterna
Tlf:+34 963543760