Universitat de ValènciaInstituto Universitario de Ciencia de los Materiales (ICMUV) Logo del portal

  • Magnetic and structural approach for understanding the electrochemical behavior of LiNi0.33Co0.33Mn0.33O2 positive electrode material

    Labrini, Mohamed; Saadoune, Ismael; Scheiba, Frieder; Almaggoussi, Abdelmajid; El Haskouri, Jamal; Amoros, Pedro; Ehrenberg, Helmut; Broetz, Joachim


    Electrochimica Acta, 111, 567-574.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2013.08.051
    ISBN: 0013-4686
  • Extraction of aflatoxins by using mesoporous silica (type UVM-7), and their quantitation by HPLC-MS

    Pellicer-Castell, Enric; Belenguer-Sapiña, Carolina; Borràs, Vicent J.; Amorós, Pedro; El Haskouri, Jamal; Herrero-Martínez, José Manuel; Mauri-Aucejo, Adela R.


    Microchimica Acta, 186, 12, 792.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00604-019-3958-8
    ISBN: 0026-3672
    ISSN: 14365073
  • Control of the pore wall thickness and thermal stability in low-cost bimodal porous silicas

    Morales, José Manuel; El Haskouri, J.; Guillem, Carmen; Hany, R.; Ros-Lis, José Vicente; Beltrán, Daniel; Beltrán, Aurelio; Amorós, P.


    Polyhedron, 170, 544-552.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2019.06.031
    ISBN: 0277-5387
    ISSN: 0277-5387
  • Amphetamine-type stimulants analysis in oral fluid based on molecularly imprinting extraction

    Sorribes-Soriano, Aitor; Esteve-Turrillas, Francesc A.; Armenta, Sergio; Amorós, Pedro; Herrero-Martínez, José Manuel


    Analytica Chimica Acta, 1052, 73-83.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2018.11.046
    ISBN: 0003-2670
    ISSN: 18734324
  • Not always what closes best opens better: mesoporous nanoparticles capped with organic gates

    Anon, Elena; Costero, Ana M; Gavina, Pablo; Parra, Margarita; El Haskouri, Jamal; Amoros, Pedro; Martinez-Manez, Ramon; Sancenon, Felix


    Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 20, 1, 699-709.

    DOI: 10.1080/14686996.2019.1627173
    ISBN: 1468-6996
  • Aggregation-induced heterogeneities in the emission of upconverting nanoparticles at the submicron scale unfolded by hyperspectral microscopy

    Gonell, Francisco; Botas, Alexandre M.P.; Brites, Carlos D.S.; Amorós, Pedro; Carlos, Luís D.; Julián-López, Beatriz; Ferreira, Rute A.S.


    Nanoscale Advances, 1, 7, 2537-2545.

    DOI: 10.1039/c8na00412a
    ISBN: 2516-0230
    ISSN: 25160230
  • Estimating Diphenylamine in Gunshot Residues from a New Tool for Identifying both Inorganic and Organic Residues in the Same Sample

    Argente-Garcia, Ana Isabel; Hakobyan, Lusine; Guillem, Carmen; Campins-Falco, Pilar


    Separations, 6, 1, 16.

    DOI: 10.3390/separations6010016
  • A poly(glycidyl-co-ethylene dimethacrylate) nanohybrid modified with beta-cyclodextrin as a sorbent for solid-phase extraction of phenolic compounds

    Belenguer-Sapina, Carolina; Pellicer-Castell, Enric; Vila, Carlos; Simo-Alfonso, Ernesto Francisco; Amoros, Pedro; Mauri-Aucejo, Adela R


    Microchimica Acta, 186, 9, UNSP615.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00604-019-3739-4
    ISBN: 0026-3672