Talks and Activities organized by ERI Lectura (2022-23)
- 2nd December, 2022 (12:00, on-site). ERI talk: Terje Throndsen, professor from the University of Oslo (Norway). "Scary Numbers (and how Maths Anxiety affects Maths Performance)".
- 25th November, 2022 (12:00, on-site). ERI Talk: Encarna Pascual, teacher of Language and Literature in Secondary Education. "What do Secondary School students currently read?"
- 11th November, 2022 (12:00, online). ERI talk: Dalila Forni, professor from the University of Florence (Italy). "Reading picturebooks beyond gender stereotypes".
- 28th October, 2022 (12:00, on-site). ERI talk: Ladislao Salmerón, professor from the University of Valencia (Spain). "Digital literacy of students with intellectual disabilities".
- 2nd October, 2022 (12:00, on-site). ERI talk: Gaia Spicciarelli, PhD student from the University of Padua (Italy). "How noise affects the cognitive performance of children with additional learning needs: a preliminary study".
Talks and Activities organized by ERI Lectura (2021-22)
JULY 2022
- 22nd July, Friday (13:00, online). ERI Talk: Marian Serrano-Mendizábal (UV), Ruth Villalón (UNICAN), Mª Ángeles Melero (UNICAN) and Belén Izquierdo (UNICAN). "Improving comprehension through technology: the role of teaching strategies".
JUNE 2022
- 17th June, Friday (13:00, on-site). ERI talk: Cheyene Dosso, PhD student from the University of Toulouse (France). "Exploration-exploitation trade-off in websearch: effects of search context and prior domain knowledge".
- 3rd June, Friday (13:00, on-site). ERI talk: Xavi Mínguez, professor from the University of Valencia (Spain). "Interculturality in children and young adult literature".
MAY 2022
- 20th May, Friday (13:00, online). ERI talk: María Melero, professor from the University of Cantabria (Spain). "Task-oriented reading with multiple texts in Primary Education. Evaluation of students' ability to search for and integrate relevant information".
- 6th May, Friday (13:00, on-site). ERI talk: Tomás Saorín, professor from the University of Murcia (Spain). "Big data literary fiction universes: data and collaborative annotation for reading discovery."
- 2nd December, Thursday (13.00, online). ERI talk: Inmaculada Fajardo, professor from the University of Valencia (Spain). "Impact of face masks on speech perception: a study of eye movements."
- 14th October, Thursday (13.00, online). Talk ERI: Juliana do Amaral, PhD student from the Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina (el Brasil). "Comparing the effectiveness of study strategies on comprehension, retention and learning from L2 texts".
- 30th September, Thursday (13.00, online). Talk ERI: Gênesson Johnny Lima Santos, PhD students from the Universidad Federal de Ceará (UFC/el Brasil). "Estrategias (meta)cognitivas de lectura en la comprensión del texto multimodal por lectores no convencionales: un estudio a la luz de la Complejidad".
Talks and Activities organized by ERI Lectura (2020-21)
- January 13th WED (11:00h, online). ERI Talk: Verónica Moreno, Assistant teacher at the University of Valencia. Project NATDAH: Profile of Pragmatic skills in children with ADDH.
- January 20th WED (11:00h, online). ERI Talk: Gaia Spicciarelli, University of Padua (Italy). “Dynamic Assessment as an early predictor of reading and writing abilities in Italian first graders: the Verbal Learning project”.
- January 26th TUE (12:00-14:00h, online). Seminar: Ivar Bråten, University of Oslo. "Journal publication with a focus the on peer review and paper revision processes". Seminary supported by the “Internalization at home” program (Faculty of Psychology, University of Valencia). Participation of PhD students will be credited by the Doctoral Program “Reading and Comprehension” (University of Valencia).
- February 1st MON (13:00, online). ERI Talk: Dr. Lale Khorramdel, Boston College. "Using diagnostic classification models for examining PISA's Collaborative Problem Solving".
- February 9th TUE (13:00, online). Club "Literacy Square". Discussants: Cristina Vargas & Amelia Mañá, ERI Lectura. Discussing paper: Prinz, A., Golke, S. & Wittwer, J. (2020). To What Extent Do Situation-Model-Approach Interventions Improve Relative Metacomprehension Accuracy? Meta-Analytic Insights. Educ Psychol Rev 32, 917–949.
- February 22th MON (13:00, online). ERI Talk: Gemma Lluch, ERI Lectura. "Presentación del proyecto de investigación: Formación del canon literario popular".
MARCH 2021
- March 8th MON (13:00, online). ERI Talk: Kathrin Honnman, ERI Lectura (PhD student of the Doctorate programme in Reading and Comprehension). Bilingualism theme, title to be determined.
- March 26th FRI (13:00, online). Seminar: Holly Jospeh, University of Reading (UK). "Reding comprehension in children who speak English as an additional language". Seminar supported by the “Internalization at home” program (Faculty of Psychology, University of Valencia). Participation of PhD students will be credited by the Doctoral Program “Reading and Comprehension” (University of Valencia).
APRIL 2021
- April 19th MON (13:00, online). ERI Talk: Miguel Ángel Font Bisier, expert in inclusive communication. "La inclusión como elemento regenerador de la producción cultural - una mirada a través de la literatura".
- April 26th MON (13:00, online). ERI Talk: Dr. Christian Scharinger, Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien Tübingen (Germany). "Promises and pitfalls of using neurophysiology to study the effects of pictorial seductive details during text reading".
MAY 2021
- May 24th MON (13:00, online). ERI Talk: Rosa Piquin Cancio, Dept. of Educational Sciences, Area of Didactics of Language and Literature, University of Oviedo. "School library, readings sustenance, and citizenship".
Previous ERI Lectura Talks (September-December 2020-2021):
-December 9th, 2020, WED (11:00, online talk): Nadina Gómez-Merino, PhD student of the Doctoral Program “Reading and Comprehension” (University of Valencia). "Reading in Students with Deafness: An Eye-movement Research". [+info]
- October 7th, 2020, WED (11:00h, online talk): prof. Vicenta Ávila and Pablo Delgado, postdoc reseracher. ERI Lectura, University of Valencia. "Use and perceptions of the Internet by people with intellectual disabilities and their families: changes during confinement due to COVID-19”. [+info]
- October 28th, 2020, WED (11:00h, online talk): prof. Mauro Mediavilla, University of Valencia and Economy Institute of Barcelona, and prof. José García Clavel, University of Murcia. "The role of parents in the development of their children's reading skills". [+info]
Previous ERI Lectura Talks (2019-2020):
- September 10th, 2019, TUE (11:00h, room M204): Ignacio Máñez, PhD student. ERI Lectura, University of Valencia. "Processing and effectiveness of formative feedback to increase comprehension and learning of conceptual knowledge in digital environment" [+info]
- October 2nd, 2019, WED (11:00h, room M204): prof. Darius Endlich. University of Würzburg. "Tablet-based screening of learning disabilities in elementary school" [+info]
- November 27th, 2019, WED (11:00h, room M204): Pamela Ramírez Peña, PhD student. University of Concepción. "Do inhibition and goal setting influence the understanding of digital disciplinary texts?"
- December 4th, 2019, WED (11:00h, room M204): prof. Marta Vergara. ERI Lectura, University of Valencia. "Visual recognition of words in deaf readers: a study with ERPs"
- December 18th, 2019, WED (11:00h, room M204): prof. Jimmie Leppink. Hull York Medical School, University of York. "Clearly Different or Practically Equivalent? An Alternative Perspective for Experimental Research" [+info]
- February 2nd, 2020, WED (11:00h, room M204): Giannina Bustamante, PhD student. Catholic University of Peru. "Assessment of multiple text comprehension based on availability" [+info]
- February 19th, 2020, WED (11:00h, room M204): Federica Natalizi, visiting student. University of Padua. "Cognitive Effort in Noise" [+info]
- March 4th, 2020, WED (11:00h, room M204): Marina Pi, PhD student. ERI Lectura, University of Valencia. "Do auditory messages favour response accuracy to variable message signs?" [+info]
- March, 12th, 2020, TUE (11:30h, assembly hall): prof. Daniel Sanabria. Uiversity of Granada. "Challenges of Science before the "Credibility Crisis": The example of Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience". [+info]
- June, 8th, 2020, WED (11:00h, charla online): prof. Ladislao Salmerón. ERI Lectura, University of Valencia. "Video-blogs in secondary education: effects on attention and comprehension. [+info]
- 24 de julio de 2020, miércoles (11:00h, charla online): Lidia Altamura, Graduada en Psicología con beca de colaboración. ERI Lectura, Universidad de Valencia. "Estudio sobre la relación entre hábitos lectores y comprensión lectora".
Previous ERI Lectura Talks (2018-2019):
- November 8th, THU: prof. Vicenta Ávila & prof. Pilar Sellés
- November 22nd, THU: Helen Bloom, PhD student
- November 28th, WED: Norma Alicia Vega
- November 29th, THU: Sara Garcia i Pitxer, PhD candidate
- December 13th, THU: prof. Ivar Bråten
- February 14th, 2019, THU: Małgorzata Piotrowska-Półrolnik, PhD student
- February 26th, 2019, TUE: prof. Raquel Tarullo
- March 26th, 2019, TUE: Ángel valenzuela, PhD student
- May 7th, 2019, TUE: Carolien Knoop-van Campen, PhD student
- May 21st, 2019, TUE: prof. Javier Roca
- Abril 9th, 2019, TUE: Nadina Gómez, PhD student
- June 4th, 2019, TUE: Pablo Delgado, PhD student
- July 11th, 2019, TUE: prof. Jukka Hyöna