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Collaborating entities

Observatory of Reading and Book. The General Sub-directorate on Books, Reading and Spanish Letters

Body linked to General Police Directorate and Books and Cultural Industries Section of the Spanish Ministry of Culture.

Regional Centre for Book Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLALC)

UNESCO intergovernmental body, which searches the creation of conditions for the development of a reading society in America, Portugal and Spain.

Spanish Federation of Booksellers Guilds FGEE

Private Law professional association created in 1978 for the representation and defence of the Spanish publishing sector’s general interests.

Library Service of the Government of Catalonia

Government of Catalonia service that organises the Library System of Catalonia.

General-Director of Culture and Heritage of the Valencian Government

Valencian Government’s body that has the objective of promoting books, reading and library management.

Catalan Letters Institute

Culture Department of Catalonian Government’s autonomous entity that has the objective of promoting and encouraging literature and reading.

School Library Coordination Ministry of Education of Chile

The Ministry of Education of Chile was created in 1993 to encourage the interest for information, reading and knowledge through meeting creative spaces and school community learning, the so-called  CRA School Library (Learning Resource Centre).


Collaborator editorials

Editorial SM

Editorial A buen Paso

Editorial Kalandraka

Editorial Nórdica

Edicions Bromera