Universitat de ValènciaInterdisciplinary Research Structure for Reading Logo del portal

The investigation aspires to give answers to a social challenge about the changes the Internet causes in the promotion of reading and suggestion of books.
Evolution of reading in the age of digitisation (E-READ) is a COST Action supported by the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020 with the goal to improve scientific understanding of the implications of digitization in reading. E-READ comprises a number of projects and initiatives at different levels and scientific scope. There are several strategic, within-Working Group projects. The ERI Lectura from the University of Valencia participates as members of the management committee, as is in charge of developing a metaanalysis of studies comparing the effects of media (paper vs. digital) on readers’ comprehension. Such metaanalysis is expected to be launched early in 2018. More info at: http://ereadcost.eu/
Project funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad for the perior 2014-2016.
The project involves eye tracking during the reading process to examine how the type of anaphora and its location in the text affects their processing in two groups with reading difficulties.
The project seeks to understand how young students select and evaluate electronic links while studying electronic documents, both in open and closed environments (e.g. Google and Wikipedia).
The project was based on the development of “Easy Reading” teaching materials for Initial Vocational Training students with intellectual disabilities.