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International Conference on Educational Innovation: Social Perspectives for Teaching Innovation in Linguistics and Languages

  • May 28th, 2021
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International Conference on Educational Innovation: Social Perspectives for Teaching Innovation in Linguistics and Languages
Development of the research ability,
autonomy and creativity of the student body
in non-face-to-face and blended learning environments
May the 28th 2021

May the 28th, 9.00 a.m., BBC
The International Conference on Educational Innovation: Social Perspectives for Teaching Innovation in Linguistics and Languages will take place on May the 28th, starting at 9.00 a.m. The development of students’ research skills, autonomy and creativity in distance and blended learning environments.

 The session will be broadcast via BBC. You can access from this link:

The programme of the session can be checked here

With the collaboration of:
Office of the Vice-Principal for Innovation and Training Programmes of the Universitat de València and the Faculty of Philosophy, Translation and Communication
With the funding of the NOU PID Project UV-SFPIE_PID20-1354451
Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
