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The Universitat de València obtains the certification of the international label EUR-ACE® of the Degree in Telematics Engineering

  • October 5th, 2017
Isabel Vázquez

Vice-principal for Undergraduate Studies and Language Policy, Isabel Vázquez Navarro, has received the certification of the international label EUR-ACE® of the Degree in Telematics Engineering from Marcial Marín Hellín, General State Secretary of Education, Professional Training and Universities.

The certification EUR-ACE® was received in an act organized by the IIE (Spanish Institute of Engineering, Instituto de la Ingeniería de España) and ANECA (National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain, Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación). In addition, the Vice-principal for Undergraduate Studies and Language Policy and the ETSE-UV Director attended this event.

The EUR-ACE® international label of the Degree in Telematics Engineering has been confirmed until 2022, recognizing the quality of this programme taught at the School of Engineering (Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria).

The EUR-ACE® is a label created in 2006 that provides a set of criteria to identify, in Europe and internationally, high-quality engineering degree programmes.

This certification, awarded by ENAEE (European Network for the Accreditation of Engineering Education), is managed in Spain by ANECA (National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain, Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación) and by the IIE (Spanish Institute of Engineering, Instituto de la Ingeniería de España), and it is awarded to engineering programmes which have been certified in the framework of the ACREDITA PLUS programme.

By obtaining such a label, the degree in Telematics Engineering of the UV de la Universitat acquires international recognition, facilitating academic and professional mobility, and assuring that the programme fulfils the highest European and international standards in the field of Engineering.

This award is a consequence of the process of continuous improvement and excellence promoted by the School of Engineering (Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria), the Vice-Principal for Undergraduate Studies and the Quality Unit  of the Universitat de València in order to assign the highest levels of teaching quality.