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To ensure the quality criteria of the activities developed by the Staff Development and Educational Innovation Service (SFPIE), as well as the equitable participation of the UV staff in these activities, the SFPIE establishes some required aspects for the teaching staff in charge of each course or workshop.

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  • Payments for the activities will follow the rates established in the Budget Execution Manual of the University of Valencia.
  • All required documentation must be sent to the SFPIE by internal post, postal mail or email, and must necessarily be signed.

Duties of the teaching staff

Before the course:

  • Updating the Activity Sheet
  • If a specific software needs to be installed in the computer classrooms, it will be requested by email to the SFPIE at least three weeks before the start of the course.

Documentation for payment:

  1. For publics employees:
  1. For UV external staff:

During the course:

  • Attendance control: Teachers will have their own sign-in sheet and will control the participants' attendance and signatures. No certificate will be issued to participants with an attendance below 85%.
  • Documentation: the SFPIE will provide teachers all the course documentation (signatures and materials)
  • In training activities with more than one teacher, one of them will be appointed representative.
  • The SFPIE recommends doing some kind of test of the activity, teachers may decide if mere attendance does not guarantee passing the course.
  • Teachers will have a space in the Virtual Classroom ( to upload materials and communicate with students of their training activity.

After the course:

  • Teachers will send the attendance sheets to the SFPIE.
  • If there is a written test, the original documents written by the students and corrected by teachers will be sent within 15 days after the course, so that the SFPIE keeps them. We recommend the use of the Virtual Classroom for conduction evaluation tests.

Teaching materials

  • The SFPIE makes available to all teachers a space in the Virtual Classroom for their course, under the name of the training activity. The course will be activated at least 5 days in advance.
  • Teachers will upload educational materials or, in the cases of in-person courses, teachers must request to the SFPIE the preparation of photocopied materials to be distributed among the attendants. It will be necessary to provide the SFPIE the original materials in digital format at least one week before the training activity.
  • No copyrighted materials that do not respect the right to quote will be photocopied and, in any case, it is recommended that the use of paper materials is always compatible with the University of Valencia's sustainability policies.
  • When there is a commitment with the SFPIE to prepare the teaching materials, teachers will provide the resources in digital format at least one week before the activity.
  • The teaching materials, the preparation of which will be paid specifically to teachers, will have a Creative Commons license (Attribution - Noncommercial - Share Alike).

Fees, cancellations and further editions of an activity

  • If the activity must be cancelled for any issue, organisational or not, the SFPIE will duly inform teachers as soon as possible.
  • If there is more than one edition of the same activity, the use of the two languages of the UV is recommended.
  • Once the course has been finished and the attendance controls recorded, the SFPIE will draft the minutes of the course to be signed by the head of the SFPIE.
  • The payment procedures will be carried out once all the course documentation, referred to throughout this document, has been sent to the SFPIE.