GRID Technology and e-Science’ includes all the activities related to the GRID Computing Technologies and the participation in e-Science projects and actions. Concerning the GRID
Computing Technologies, the problems of Computing for the ATLAS Experiment within the framework of the LCG (LHC Computing GRID) project, TIER-2 and TIER-3 activities, have been addressed, which have led to a considerable experience in the deployment and maintenance of the GRID infrastructure as part of the EGEE Regional Operation Center (ROC), in the test and integration of the Middleware needed to enable the GRID system and the use of scientific applications based on GRID.
Within the aspect of the Applications based on GRID Technologies, particular attention has been paid to promote, organize and take initiative in the so-called e-Science, understood as all those scientific frameworks in which the high-tech methodologies can be used and to enable the collaborative research in different scientific fields. This fact has triggered the involvement in another activities and projects outside the field of HEP due to profit the opportunity of participating in the European Projects such as DATAGRID, CROSSGRID, EGEE, etc. All these projects have the objective of building the GRID System and to disseminate these new technologies to other fields (Biomedicine, Earth Observation, Computational Chemistry, etc).
At present the main research lines and topics are the followings:
- Distributed Computing. GRID Technologies.
- LHC data management.
Links to the Research groups: