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teoria electrofebleThe main goals of the High Energy Physics Phenomenology research line are the study of the Standard Model (SM) of the strong and electroweak interactions and the search of deviations from the SM predictions that would arise from new interactions expected in various SM extensions. The strategy includes, on the one hand, the precise determination of the SM parameters, couplings, masses and mixing angles in high energy experiments, as well as the phenomenological study of possible deviations from SM predictions and of new signals arising from novel processes beyond the SM.

At present the main research lines and topics are the followings:

  • MImproved determination of the flavour parameters in the SM, characterizing both the quark and lepton sectors
  • Study of CP violation at flavour factories with special emphasis in the proposed superB factories
  • Search for direct and indirect signatures of neutrino mass generation, the seesaw mechanisms and radiative neutrino mass models
  • Analysis of CP violation in neutrino oscillations with the use of monochromatic neutrino and beta beams
  • Study of electric and magnetic dipole moments of quarks and leptons with emphasis on the tau lepton measurable at superB factories
  • Higher order corrections to Higgs boson and top quark production at LHC, and signatures of new physics in the top quark sector
  • Use of sum rules to reduce the uncertainty in the determination of flavour parameters including light quark masses and couplings
  • Study of new sources of CP violation in extensions of the SM like supersymmetry or models with extended Higgs sectors
  • Searches for supersymmetric particles at the LHC
  • Reconstruction of the SUSY parameters from the results of the LHC and indirect experiments
  • Phenomenology of light Higgs bosons in supersymmetric extensions of the SM
  • Indirect searches of supersymmetric signatures in flavour changing neutral currents, lepton flavour violation and CP violation
  • Analysis of proton decay and other phenomenological signatures of grand-unification at high scales
  • Phenomenology of Supersymmetric and non-Supersymmetric unified teories
  • Study of open quantum systems

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