Degree number of credits: 60
Compulsory credits: 15
Elective credits: 30
Final project: 15
Degree code: 2138
Years: 1
Teaching type: Presencial
Knowledge branch: HEALTH SCIENCES
Master degree website:
Places available for new students: 45
Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 36
Price of credit for non-resident foreign students 53.01€
Price per credit
[2024-2025 academic year]: 35.34€
Management Centre: Faculty of Pharmacy
Languages used in class: Spanish and Valencian
Participating Universities: University of Valencia
Academic Coordinating Committee: Mª Angeles Martinez Cuesta (Director)
Nadezda Apostolova
Miguel Martí Cabrera
Matilde Merino Sanjuán
María Antonia Noguera Romero
Teodoro Zornoza Sabrina
Mª Carmen Arce Heras (PAS)
PhD programme linked to this Master’s programme: Biomedicine and Pharmacy
Pre-enrolment information: Student Information Service
Academic information: