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Ministry of Education learning resources

  • June 23rd, 2016
Girls painting a picture

The learning process is spread out over the life course and Ministry of Education has multiple resources for such purpose

A learning resource is any type of material that facilitates the teacher’s work: helping with better explanations so that knowledge and message is clear for the students. Materials can be of any type as videos, books, graphics, images, activities, films, or any other able to help the comprehension of an idea. Innovation in this area is vital for the education progress.

Learning resources provide the student with information. They are a learning guide and a key element for encouraging their motivation and interest.  Now you can have access to a wide number of resources that help education with the computer: learning planification is more accesible than ever.

One of the learning methodology resources is the Ministry of Education. In the section web resources we can find different categories such as ‘bancos de recursos’ (resource bank), ‘materiales’ (materials), ‘portales de orientación’ (counselling portals), ‘portales TIC’ (ICT educational portals) and ‘herramientas para el desarrollo de materiales’ (tools for materials developing). 

In ‘Bancos de recursos’ (Resource bank) there are diverse resources, such as INTEF, National Institute of Educating and Training Technologies resource bank.

In ‘Materiales (Materials)’ section we find several sources, but URUK, a method born in adult education classrooms, can be really useful when talking about academic excellence.

‘Portales de orientación (Counselling Portals)’ helps students to decide their future, since this section presents several sources that guides students in their academic career. In ‘Portales TIC para la educación (ICT educational portals)’ we find CEDEC, Spanish National Centre for Curriculum Development in non Propietary Systems. Its aim is the creation of an Open Education Resources (OERs) that delve into the implantation of Information and Communications Technologies in the Educational Sector. In educaLAB we have data and analysis coming from researchs, experimentation and innovation in order to help professors and educational system.

Last section we find in Ministry of Education web page is called ‘Herramientas para el desarrollo de materiales (Tools for material development)’, where proyecto Arquímedes (among others) is located. This project makes possible the creation of Mathematics interactive activities.

All these resources search an academic excellence, in order to keep training day by day, and also to a better understanding of the student’s knowledge.