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Practical guide Erasmus+ Sicue outgoings

Informative brochure programs of exchange of the Facultat of Medicine and Odontology

Presentation Program of Mobility XVII International Week

Condition Mobility Degree Medicine

Criteria of assessment announcement Erasmus Studies

Models agreements Erasmus + Medicine

Models agreements Erasmus+ Odontology

Models agreements SICUE Odontology

Models agreements SICUE Medicine


Matrícula international credits and terms modification Learning Agreement/Academic Agreement outgoings.

Instructions matrícula and terms modify THE/Academic Agreement outgoings Degree of Medicine

Instructions matrícula and terms modify THE/Academic Agreement outgoings Degree of Odontology

Changes in the Learning Agreement (Erasmus) or in the Academic Agreement (SICUE)

The modification of the Learning Agreement of the students Erasmus requests  contributing the document “Changes to the original Learning Agreement”, signed by the student.

Erasmus Document of Changes

The modification of the academic agreement of the students SICUE requests  contributing the document “Form C, changes in the program of studies (definite configuration)” signed by the student.

SICUE Document of Changes Form C 

The application of modification can present  of face-to-face form in the office of the Faculty or by email directed to the email:, in this last case, it is necessary to use your post of alumni.

It has to present signed by the student.

They will not attend  the applications presented out of the terms established, the no signed neither the remitted from another different email to the of alumni.

If the proposal of modification involves to add some subject to the matrícula of the student in Valencia, the acceptance of the modification will be subject to the fact that there is vacant square in the subject. In this case, the student will have to indicate group of the subject in order of preference.

If the proposal of modification requests , of exceptional form, once finalised the first semester of the course will not be able to include subjects of the mentioned semester, in this case the application will be denegada.

    Once accepted the modification of the Learning Agreement (Erasmus) or Academic Agreement (SICUE) by the coordinator of exchange of the degree, will receive the document of changes signed by the coordinator of the degree, later will have to  complete with the signature of the coordinator of exchange of your university of destination and give back copy of the document with all the signatures to the secretary of the Faculty to finalise the formality of modification, and if it is the case, modify the matrícula of the student.

General Information: SICUE Call for stays in 2024-2025

The SICUE Programme (exchange system among Spanish universities) is open for applications from February 19th to March 4th, 2024 (both included).

Applications must be submitted through the Portal Serveis Estudiant: on the left menu, choose the option "Mobility programmes in other universities" then in the middle of the screen, click on "Applications and check of Exchange programmes". 

Students can check the list of host universities for each degree at the Portal Serveis Estudiants: click on the option "Mobility programmes in other universities" (on the left) and then select "Mobility Destination lists". We suggest that students write down their preferred destinations, visit their websites and check all the relevant information for exchange students (applications procedure, syllabi, academic calendars, etc.).

Applicants must compulsorily meet the following requirements:

  • Undergraduate students must have passed a minimum of 42 ECTS credits October 15th, 2023
  • Students must have been enrolled in a minimum of 30 ECTS credits of the same degree programme during academic year 2023-2024
  • The SICUE programme is not open to MA or PhD students.
  • Students cannot visit the same university more than once unless it is a different degree during a different academic year.
  • Students cannot do more than one exchange within the same academic year.
  • Student that were awarded a SICUE grant  during academic year 2023-2024 and renounced to the mobility without notice are not eligible candidates for 2024-2025

    Please, read the Call Regulations carefully.

Selection of candidates

  • Places will be awarded on the basis of the student's average grade by October 15th, 2023
  • The average grade is calculated according to the provisions of Royal Decree 1125/2003 and the Call rules and regulations.
  • Only the student that hasn't been awarded a place will be included in the waiting list.
  • Renouncing the awarded place means the student is excluded from participating in the SICUE programme.

Stay at the host university

  • Students must enrol at the University of Valencia in the same number of credits they wish to attend at the host university. Students do not enrol in courses but in the so called "International credits" at the University of Valencia.
  • The stays may be for a semester or for a full academic year.
  •  Students must enrol in a minimum of 45 ECTS credits (full year) or a minimum of 24 ECTS credits (semester).
  •  By July 14th, 2024, students must have their Learning Agreement signed by him/her self and academic coordinator at their home (full year and first semester).
  •  By October 28th, 2024, students must have their Learning Agreement signed by him/her self and academic coordinator at their home University (second semester)
  • Academic coordinators list.
  • Academic coordinators can allow students to take subjects even if the student failed to pass the exam at the university Universitat de València..
  • One-year stays can be shortened to one-semester stays only with the approval of both the UV and the host university coordinators


General Information: SICUE Call for stays in 2023-2024

The SICUE Programme (exchange system among Spanish universities) is open for applications from February 13th to February 27th, 2023. (both included).

Students can check the list of host universities for each degree at the Portal Serveis Estudiants: click on the option "Mobility programmes in other universities" (on the left) and then select "Mobility Destination lists". We suggest that students write down their preferred destinations, visit their websites and check all the relevant information for exchange students (applications procedure, syllabi, academic calendars, etc.).

Applications must also be submitted through the Portal Serveis Estudiants by clicking on "Mobility programmes in other universities" and then clicking on "Check Applications to Exchange programmes".

Applicants must compulsorily meet the following requirements:

  • Undergraduate students must have passed a minimum of 42 ECTS credits October 15th, 2022
  • Students must have been enrolled in a minimum of 30 ECTS credits of the same degree programme during academic year 2022-2023
  • The SICUE programme is not open to MA or PhD students.
  • Students cannot visit the same university more than once.
  • Students cannot do more than one exchange within the same academic year.
  • Student that were awarded a SICUE grant  during academic year 2022-2023 and renounced to the mobility without notice are not eligible candidates for 2023-2024

    Please, read the Call Regulations carefully.

Selection of candidates

  • Places will be awarded on the basis of the student's average grade by October 15th, 2022
  • The average grade is calculated according to the provisions of Royal Decree 1125/2003 and the Call rules and regulations.
  • Only the student that hasn't been awarded a place will be included in the waiting list.
  • Renouncing the awarded place means the student is excluded from participating in the SICUE programme.

Stay at the host university

  • Students must enrol at the University of Valencia in the same number of credits they wish to attend at the host university. Students do not enrol in courses but in the so called "16.000 credits" or "International credits" at the University of Valencia.
  • The stays may be for a semester or for a full academic year.
  •  Students must enrol in a minimum of 45 ECTS credits (full year) or a minimum of 24 ECTS credits (semester).
  •  By July 14th, 2023, students must have their Learning Agreement signed by him/her self and academic coordinator at their home (full year and first semester).
  •  By October 28th, 2023, students must have their Learning Agreement signed by him/her self and academic coordinator at their home (second semester)
  • Academic coordinators list.
  • Academic coordinators can allow students to take subjects even if the student failed to pass the exam at the university Universitat de València..
  • One-year stays can be shortened to one-semester stays only with the approval of both the UV and the host university coordinators


General Information: SICUE Call for stays in 2022-2023

The SICUE Programme (exchange system among Spanish universities) is open for applications from February 11th to February 25th, 2022. (both included).

Students can check the list of host universities for each degree at the Portal Serveis Estudiants: click on the option "Mobility programmes in other universities" (on the left) and then select "Mobility Destination lists". We suggest that students write down their preferred destinations, visit their websites and check all the relevant information for exchange students (applications procedure, syllabi, academic calendars, etc.).

Applications must also be submitted through the Portal Serveis Estudiants by clicking on "Mobility programmes in other universities" and then clicking on "Check Applications to Exchange programmes".

Applicants must compulsorily meet the following requirements:

  • Undergraduate students must have passed a minimum of 42 ECTS credits October 15th, 2021
  • Students must have been enrolled in a minimum of 30 ECTS credits of the same degree programme during academic year 2021-2022
  • The SICUE programme is not open to MA or PhD students.
  • Students cannot visit the same university more than once.
  • Students cannot do more than one exchange within the same academic year.
  • Student that were awarded a SICUE grant  during academic year 2021-2022 and renounced to the mobility without notice are not eligible candidates for 2022-2023

    Please, read the Call Regulations carefully.

Selection of candidates

  • Places will be awarded on the basis of the student's average grade by October 15th, 2021
  • The average grade is calculated according to the provisions of Royal Decree 1125/2003 and the Call rules and regulations.
  • Only the student that hasn't been awarded a place will be included in the waiting list.
  • Renouncing the awarded place means the student is excluded from participating in the SICUE programme.

Stay at the host university

  • Students must enrol at the University of Valencia in the same number of credits they wish to attend at the host university. Students do not enrol in courses but in the so called "16.000 credits" or "International credits" at the University of Valencia.
  • The stays may be for a semester or for a full academic year.
  •  Students must enrol in a minimum of 45 ECTS credits (full year) or a minimum of 24 ECTS credits (semester).
  •  Before September 3rd, 2022, students must have their Learning Agreement signed by both academic coordinator at their home and host universities.
  • Academic coordinators list.
  • Academic coordinators can allow students to take subjects even if the student failed to pass the exam at the university Universitat de València..
  • One-year stays can be shortened to one-semester stays only with the approval of both the UV and the host university coordinators

General Information: SICUE Call for stays in 2024-2025

The SICUE Programme (exchange system among Spanish universities) is open for applications from February 19th to March 4th, 2024 (both included).

Applications must be submitted through the Portal Serveis Estudiant: on the left menu, choose the option "Mobility programmes in other universities" then in the middle of the screen, click on "Applications and check of Exchange programmes". 

Students can check the list of host universities for each degree at the Portal Serveis Estudiants: click on the option "Mobility programmes in other universities" (on the left) and then select "Mobility Destination lists". We suggest that students write down their preferred destinations, visit their websites and check all the relevant information for exchange students (applications procedure, syllabi, academic calendars, etc.).

Applicants must compulsorily meet the following requirements:

  • Undergraduate students must have passed a minimum of 42 ECTS credits October 15th, 2023
  • Students must have been enrolled in a minimum of 30 ECTS credits of the same degree programme during academic year 2023-2024
  • The SICUE programme is not open to MA or PhD students.
  • Students cannot visit the same university more than once unless it is a different degree during a different academic year.
  • Students cannot do more than one exchange within the same academic year.
  • Student that were awarded a SICUE grant  during academic year 2023-2024 and renounced to the mobility without notice are not eligible candidates for 2024-2025

    Please, read the Call Regulations carefully.

Selection of candidates

  • Places will be awarded on the basis of the student's average grade by October 15th, 2023
  • The average grade is calculated according to the provisions of Royal Decree 1125/2003 and the Call rules and regulations.
  • Only the student that hasn't been awarded a place will be included in the waiting list.
  • Renouncing the awarded place means the student is excluded from participating in the SICUE programme.

Stay at the host university

  • Students must enrol at the University of Valencia in the same number of credits they wish to attend at the host university. Students do not enrol in courses but in the so called "International credits" at the University of Valencia.
  • The stays may be for a semester or for a full academic year.
  •  Students must enrol in a minimum of 45 ECTS credits (full year) or a minimum of 24 ECTS credits (semester).
  •  By July 14th, 2024, students must have their Learning Agreement signed by him/her self and academic coordinator at their home (full year and first semester).
  •  By October 28th, 2024, students must have their Learning Agreement signed by him/her self and academic coordinator at their home University (second semester)
  • Academic coordinators list.
  • Academic coordinators can allow students to take subjects even if the student failed to pass the exam at the university Universitat de València..
  • One-year stays can be shortened to one-semester stays only with the approval of both the UV and the host university coordinators


General Information: SICUE Call for stays in 2023-2024

The SICUE Programme (exchange system among Spanish universities) is open for applications from February 13th to February 27th, 2023. (both included).

Students can check the list of host universities for each degree at the Portal Serveis Estudiants: click on the option "Mobility programmes in other universities" (on the left) and then select "Mobility Destination lists". We suggest that students write down their preferred destinations, visit their websites and check all the relevant information for exchange students (applications procedure, syllabi, academic calendars, etc.).

Applications must also be submitted through the Portal Serveis Estudiants by clicking on "Mobility programmes in other universities" and then clicking on "Check Applications to Exchange programmes".

Applicants must compulsorily meet the following requirements:

  • Undergraduate students must have passed a minimum of 42 ECTS credits October 15th, 2022
  • Students must have been enrolled in a minimum of 30 ECTS credits of the same degree programme during academic year 2022-2023
  • The SICUE programme is not open to MA or PhD students.
  • Students cannot visit the same university more than once.
  • Students cannot do more than one exchange within the same academic year.
  • Student that were awarded a SICUE grant  during academic year 2022-2023 and renounced to the mobility without notice are not eligible candidates for 2023-2024

    Please, read the Call Regulations carefully.

Selection of candidates

  • Places will be awarded on the basis of the student's average grade by October 15th, 2022
  • The average grade is calculated according to the provisions of Royal Decree 1125/2003 and the Call rules and regulations.
  • Only the student that hasn't been awarded a place will be included in the waiting list.
  • Renouncing the awarded place means the student is excluded from participating in the SICUE programme.

Stay at the host university

  • Students must enrol at the University of Valencia in the same number of credits they wish to attend at the host university. Students do not enrol in courses but in the so called "16.000 credits" or "International credits" at the University of Valencia.
  • The stays may be for a semester or for a full academic year.
  •  Students must enrol in a minimum of 45 ECTS credits (full year) or a minimum of 24 ECTS credits (semester).
  •  By July 14th, 2023, students must have their Learning Agreement signed by him/her self and academic coordinator at their home (full year and first semester).
  •  By October 28th, 2023, students must have their Learning Agreement signed by him/her self and academic coordinator at their home (second semester)
  • Academic coordinators list.
  • Academic coordinators can allow students to take subjects even if the student failed to pass the exam at the university Universitat de València..
  • One-year stays can be shortened to one-semester stays only with the approval of both the UV and the host university coordinators


General Information: SICUE Call for stays in 2022-2023

The SICUE Programme (exchange system among Spanish universities) is open for applications from February 11th to February 25th, 2022. (both included).

Students can check the list of host universities for each degree at the Portal Serveis Estudiants: click on the option "Mobility programmes in other universities" (on the left) and then select "Mobility Destination lists". We suggest that students write down their preferred destinations, visit their websites and check all the relevant information for exchange students (applications procedure, syllabi, academic calendars, etc.).

Applications must also be submitted through the Portal Serveis Estudiants by clicking on "Mobility programmes in other universities" and then clicking on "Check Applications to Exchange programmes".

Applicants must compulsorily meet the following requirements:

  • Undergraduate students must have passed a minimum of 42 ECTS credits October 15th, 2021
  • Students must have been enrolled in a minimum of 30 ECTS credits of the same degree programme during academic year 2021-2022
  • The SICUE programme is not open to MA or PhD students.
  • Students cannot visit the same university more than once.
  • Students cannot do more than one exchange within the same academic year.
  • Student that were awarded a SICUE grant  during academic year 2021-2022 and renounced to the mobility without notice are not eligible candidates for 2022-2023

    Please, read the Call Regulations carefully.

Selection of candidates

  • Places will be awarded on the basis of the student's average grade by October 15th, 2021
  • The average grade is calculated according to the provisions of Royal Decree 1125/2003 and the Call rules and regulations.
  • Only the student that hasn't been awarded a place will be included in the waiting list.
  • Renouncing the awarded place means the student is excluded from participating in the SICUE programme.

Stay at the host university

  • Students must enrol at the University of Valencia in the same number of credits they wish to attend at the host university. Students do not enrol in courses but in the so called "16.000 credits" or "International credits" at the University of Valencia.
  • The stays may be for a semester or for a full academic year.
  •  Students must enrol in a minimum of 45 ECTS credits (full year) or a minimum of 24 ECTS credits (semester).
  •  Before September 3rd, 2022, students must have their Learning Agreement signed by both academic coordinator at their home and host universities.
  • Academic coordinators list.
  • Academic coordinators can allow students to take subjects even if the student failed to pass the exam at the university Universitat de València..
  • One-year stays can be shortened to one-semester stays only with the approval of both the UV and the host university coordinators