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Resultats accés curs 2024/25

Fase de valoració

La data límit per a la publicació de la valoració de la documentació presentada serà el 27 de març, abans de les 14 hores.

El termini de presentació de reclamacions a la fase de valoració serà del 28 de març al 5 d'abril, mitjançant el Registre electrònic de la Universitat de València.

La publicació dels resultats de les reclamacions a la fase de valoració serà el 24 d'abril, abans de les 14 hores.

                           Rectificació resultats definitius fase valoració i convocatòria entrevista de Carolina Gonzalvo Fernández   

Fase d'entrevista personal

Segons la normativa aprovada en Consell de Govern de 16/02/10, passen a la Fase d’Entrevista Personal tots aquells candidats/es que hagen obtingut en la Fase de Valoració una qualificació mínima de 5 punts.

La publicació dels resultats provisionals de l'entrevista serà el 3 de maig

  • Infermeria: Resultats provisionals (pendent)
  • Podologia: Resultats provisionals (pendent)

El termini de presentació de reclamacions als resultats de l'entrevista serà del 6  al 10 de maig,mitjançant el Registre electrònic de la Universitat de València.

Qualificació Final

  • Infermeria : Resultats definitius (pendent)
  • Podologia: Resultats definitius (pendent)


IMPORTANT: les persones que hagen superat aquestes proves d'admissió cal que realitzen la corresponent preinscripció

Access is to a single degree programme and must adapt to criteria and work experience related to this degree.


Professional work experience is required in the field of the chosen degree programme. You must not hold any qualifications that give access to the university. You must have the compulsory education certificate and have turned 40 before 1 October in the same academic year.

Assessment phase

A) Work-related and professional experience. Up to 5 points.

Jobs that have been performed in fields related to the branch of the degree to be pursued, worth 0.05 points for each whole month worked. You can check:

B) Training. Up to 3 points.

  • Courses lasting 15 hours or more, directly related to the chosen degree programme, worth 0.02 points per hour.
  • Courses lasting 15 hours or more, included in the professional fields linked to the degree programme but not directly related to the chosen degree programme, worth 0.01 points per hour.

You must provide proof which states the content, date and duration of the course(s).

C)  Certification of Valencian language skills. Up to 1 point.

Have a certificate issued or validated by the Junta Qualificadora de Coneixements de Valencià, or by Valencian universities, according to the following scale. If you possess more than one qualification, only the higher level is counted:

  • Oral knowledge: 0.25 points
  • Elementary level: 0.5 points
  • Intermediate level: 0.75 points
  • Advanced level: 1 point

D) Certification of language skills in EU languages: Up to 1 point.

For each completed course at the Official Language School (Escuela Oficial de Idiomas): 0.2 points. The committee may take into consideration other certificates such as the faculties of philology and/or translation, the University of Valencia Language Centre (Centre d’idiomes de la UV), British Council, Institut Française, Goethe Institut, Centre G. Leopardi).


From 1 to 22 February 2024. Rates are 78,20 euros.


After the registration process has been completed, each faculty or school will publish a list with a timetable for interviews.

Documents to be submitted

Once the form has been completed online, you must submit the following documents:

  1. Photocopy of the ID card, NIE (identification number for foreign citizens or passport).
  2. Proof of fee payment
  3. Proof of being a member of a family with more than three children or disability, if applicable.
  4. Compulsory Education Certificate
  5. Document accrediting work experience (a contract or appointment of the position) and official certification of contribution to the Social Security general scheme.
  6. Explanatory summary report of work experience.
  7. Proof of related training which states content, date, and duration.
  8. Certification of Valencian language skills.
  9. Certification of language skills in EU languages.



More information

Publication of persons admitted/excluded

Each faculty or school will publish a list of persons admitted and excluded from this procedure. Therefore, if you have requested the assessment phase you need to go to the relevant faculty or school.

Personal interview phase

If you obtain a minimum score of 5 in the assessment phase, you will be called in for an interview to assess your maturity and suitability.

Final mark

The final mark is the sum of all the elements in the assessment phase and allows you to proceed to the application process for enrolment if you pass the interview