The Undergraduate Degree Final Project consists of the autonomous development on behalf of students of a project under the direction of a tutor professor, the realisation of which is intended to favour the integration of students in the training contents received during their studies and ensure the acquisition of the competences associated to the degree.
In each degree there is an Undergraduate Degree Final Project committee that has, among others, the mission to elaborate the necessary instructions for the organisation and development of this area.
In the degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences the Degree Final Project is a subject which has 6 credits ECTS.
Regulations of the Undergraduate Final Project
The Degree Final Project is regulated by the Regulations of the Degree Final Project of the Universitat de València, developed by the Specific Instructions for the Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences.
Application, documents and presentation
The requirements, projects offer, procedures for the elaboration and presentation can be accessed at Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences.