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Useful documents 2023-2024

  1. Before leaving.
  2. On arriving at your chosen university.
  3. On your return to Valencia
  4. Other documents and recommendations.
  5. United Kingdom. Specific information

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  • Important: Students must carefully read and follow all the procedures established in the following points in order to receive the scholarship.

 1. Before leaving.

Presentation of the Erasmus studies student information sessions (March 2023)

Video Presentation of procedures before the Erasmus study stay

  • Accept the Erasmus Studies scholarship (from 27 March to 28 April) through the Entreu application. You must enter the "Erasmus Studies File" procedure and fill out a very simple online form. You will only need to include the 24 digits (IBAN) of the bank account where you want to receive the scholarship, which you must be in your name, and the personal data of the person whom we should contact in case of emergency. When you click on ‘accept’ , you will obtain a PDF as proof of acceptance and another PDF with the official appointment of the Erasmus Studies place awarded and, if applicable, the certificate for having passed any of the online language exams taken in December 2022 at the Language Centre of the University of Valencia..

How to get acceptance documents

  • Erasmus Student Mobility Grant Agreement. (Document in PDF) ----- (Document in word). (Pending publication by SEPIE). The personal data and the current account must be filled in on the first page as well as signed on page 4. Thisdocument contains the administrative and economic information about your scholarship. You must print the document, fill in the details and sign it. Due to the health situation caused by Covid-19, this will not be presented on paper but must be kept in case it has to be presented on paper later. This document and the Study Contract must be submitted to the International Relations Service through the ENTREU application, which can be accessed through "My procedures" once youracceptance has been validated. 
  • Video tutorial to attach documents to Entreu
  • PDF tutorial to attach documents to Entreu
  • Formalize your initial Learning Agreement with the Academic Mobility Coordinator You can find the list of coordinators at this link The contract contains the list of subjects that you will take abroad and the recognition of subjects that you will obtain for your degree. The initial study contract must be completed online on the Student Services Portal. Once you have made your study contract proposal, your academic coordinator will have to approve it. Only if the study contract is confirmed and closed by your coordinator, can you print a copy ("initial print" button). You must complete the Study Contract (preferably in June) and your academic coordinator must confirm and close it before 15 July. Otherwise, you will not be able to register yourself. Before leaving for your chosen university, you must present a copy of the initial Study Contract signed (scanned signatures are accepted) by you, your academic coordinator at the University of Valencia and the coordinator of the university where you will be staying.  Below you will find some tutorials on how to complete the study contract and how to upload documents to your Erasmus Studies file.
  • Tutorial on the Study Contract 
  • Learning Agreement Instructions
  • Video tutorial to attach documents to Entreu
  • PDF tutorial to attach documents to Entreu
  • Online Learning Agreement (OLA). A partner university may require the Study Contract in the new Online Learning Agreement (OLA) format. If the host university requires this format, you must also make the Study Contract in an application that we will make available to you from 1 June. You must inform the partner university that you will be able to submit it later. If required before this, forward the email or instructions to and we will explain the situation from our Service Office
  • Online Linguistic Support "OLS" Initial Language Test and Language Course

The initial test is still mandatory for all Erasmus students in the 22-23 academic year (also those from the UK) but the course is still voluntary. The final test no longer exists. The online application has been changed and is not linked to any license or invitation email.

  • STEP 1: Create an account (profile, user) "EU Login" (known as ECAS account) in a European Union application.
  • STEP 2: Sign up for the EU ACADEMY application
  • STEP 3: Access the OLS restricted area ("Core restricted area")

           You can find links, instructions and tutorials in this document:

In relation to the OLS, it is not necessary to upload any documents to Entreu or to inform us of your the results.

  • Erasmus international study credit self-enrolment. Before leaving for your study stay, you must complete your self-registration at the University of Valencia. Once the Study Contract has been completed and closed by your academic coordinator, the international credits will appear on your Self-Enrolment. This will bring together the sum of the credits of the subjects of the University of Valencia that you completed in the Study Contract. In addition, you can also enrol in other subjects to be studied at the University of Valencia (especially in the case of semester stays), respecting the maximum number of credits according to the enrolment regulations. You will be able to self-enrol according to your enrolment appointment, as was the case in previous years. It is planned that self-registration will be carried out through the Student Services Portal from 20 July.
  • Visas If you are travelling to the UK or Turkey, you will need a visa. Please review the information in the "Other..." section. If you are a national of a non-EU country, it is very likely that you will need a visa. Please contact the consulate of the destination country.
  • Healthcare insurance cover is mandatory and you must apply for your European Health Insurance Card. If you are going to a country where you are not covered by the European Health Insurance Card (Turkey), you will need to take out private insurance. For full course stays in the United Kingdom, you will be required to pay temporary registration in the British social security system as part of visa processing.
  • Supplementary insurance. The University of Valencia has taken out a policy to cover some contingencies that are not covered by the European Health Insurance Card, including civil liability, accidents and repatriation. The insurance company will send an individual certificate to each student starting in August. Consult the general conditions of the policy, the model of individual certificate and the protocol to communicate with the CASER insurance company. To find out more, contact

2. On arriving at your chosen university.

  • Certificate of Incorporation. You must report to the International Office of the host university and apply for the Certificate of Incorporation. We accept forms from partner universities. To send it to the International Relations Service, you must enter ENTREU, open "My procedures" and upload it in electronic format (preferably in PDF) within the "Erasmus Studies File" procedure. Save the original as proof. The processing of the first payment of the scholarships will be done in order of receipt of this document.
  • Modification of the study contract. Modifications are only necessary if the subjects initially set out in the study contract are changed. This procedure must be completed through the Student Services Portal so that the modifications are reflected on your file. These must be applied for once you are at the chosen university and before 5 weeks have elapsed from the start of lectures. Once the modifications have been requested by the Student Service Portal, your academic coordinator will have to close the contract so that you can obtain a printed copy where the modified subjects and the correspondence table between them will be shown. This document must be signed by you, your coordinator at the destination and your mobility coordinator at the University of Valencia (signatures may be scanned).
    • Modifications made before 5 October generate a new "Initial Study Contract", which can be obtained by clicking on "Initial Print" and replaces the previous initial contracts.
    • Modifications after 5 October generate a "Change Studies Contract" (or during the stay) that can be printed (once closed) with the "Print modification" button.
    • Subsequent changes generate a new “Change Agreement” that incorporates all changes and replaces the previous change documents. Modification contracts (during the stay) must be signed by all three parties (the student, Valencia and destination coordinator) and uploaded to Entreu immediately.

Outline of the process and deadlines of the Learning Agreement

Important: We will not be able to pay the first payment of the scholarship if part of the documentation mentioned in the previous points is missing.

  • Application for extension of study stay. The extension consists of converting a first semester stay into a full course stay. This has academic effects but no economic ones. That is, you will not receive financial support for the period you extend (second semester). In addition to duly submitting the extension request form to, the study contract must be modified in the terms provided above. In any case, this must be requested at least one month before the end of the initially planned study stay.
  • Request for reduction of study stay. Only requests for reductions received before 31 December will be accepted. In addition to submitting the reduction request form to, you must modify the study contract on the Student Services Portal. The reduction involves converting a full course stay into a first semester study stay.

3On your return to Valencia.

Video Presentation of procedures at the end of the Erasmus Studies stay

  • Certificate of stay  This is the last document you will receive at your chosen university. This contains the start and end dates of your stay and is necessary forthe last payment of the scholarship. You must submit it yourself to the International Relations Service through the ENTREUapplication and enter "My procedures", file "Erasmus Studies File". It is important to take into consideration the warnings concerning dates and the prohibitions of corrections that appear at the foot and on the back of the document.
  • Final Student Report (EU Questionnaire) This is an evaluation questionnaire for your Erasmus stay. The report will be made online through the computer application enabled by the EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency), responsible for the Erasmus programme. You will notreceive the invitationuntil your stay is over and you have submitted your certificate of arrival. Once you have received the invitation sent directly by the online control system of the Erasmus Programme (Beneficiary Module) to yourinstitutional email, you will have to make the report within the indicated period.
  • Online Linguistic Support "OLS" (final language test). This no longer exists.
  • Certificate of grades (Transcript of Records: ToR): This must be given to your degree academic coordinator. Should the university send you the grade certificate (instead of sending it directly to your faculty), you must send it to your coordinator. You can find the list of coordinators at this link
  • Important: We will not be able to make the second payment of the scholarship if part of this documentation is missing. In addition, you must pass at least 50% of the international credits on which you have enrolled at the University of Valencia. The objective of the mobility programme is to obtain academic advantage and that is why you receive the scholarship. If you do not exceed 50%, you will have to repay the amount received as a scholarship.

4.  Other documents and recommendations.

Waiver form. If you need to decline the scholarship, use this document addressed to 

  • Current account change form. If you need to change your current account number, fill out this form and send it to, along with a copy of the bankbook or similar document containing the 24 digits, from your university email.
  • Authorization. Leave a signed authorization with someone you trust and who will be able to make arrangements with the University when you are away.
  • Register at the nearest Spanish Embassy or Consulate. Visit the website of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Choose “consular registration” and “resident and non-resident registration”. Register yourself as "non-resident". At the bottom of the page, you can find the explanation of the specific procedure to be followed at your chosen embassy or consulate.
  • Here you can see travel recommendations from the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • If you are travelling to Turkey, you will need to apply for a visa at the Turkish embassy or consulate.

5. United Kingdom Specific information