Facultat de PsicologiaUniversitat de València Logo del portal

Conferencia: “Testing the Proficient Academic Reader Framework in Post-Secondary Contexts”

  • 7 mayo de 2024
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El viernes 10 de abril a las 12:00 tendrá lugar en el Aula Este 2.1 de la Facultat de Psicologia i Logopèdia la conferencia “Testing the Proficient Academic Reader Framework in Post-Secondary Contexts”, a cargo de Joe Magliano, profesor en Georgia State University. Esta conferencia ha sido organizada por la ERI Lectura, UV.

Resumen de la conferencia: It is well documented that many college students in the United States are not ready to meet the literacy demands of their coursework.  This is not a new issue and as such, there have been considerable efforts in post-secondary institutions to support underprepared college readers. These efforts should be grounded by theoretical frameworks that specify what aspects of college students that are needed for them to succeed in their reading literacy activities in college.  To this end my colleagues and I have proposed the Proficient Academic Reader (PAR) framework.  PAR specifies that reading literacy activities in academic settings are inherently, complex problem-solving activities.  To engage in these activities, readers need foundational skills of reading, motivation, the propensity to be strategic, and metacognitive awareness of their literacy tasks as they read. In this talk I will discuss two studies that test PAR. Talwar et al. (2022) tested PAR in the context of using general measures of PAR constructs, whereas Kaldes et al. (2024) tested PAR in the context of situated measures. These studies lend support for PAR and insights into its refinement, but also suggest that situated measures are better suited for testing the framework.

Bio: Professor at Georgia State University (GSU). He is known for his research in the field of psychology, particularly in areas related to language comprehension, reading, and cognitive psychology. Magliano has published numerous articles and papers on topics such as discourse processing, text comprehension, and the cognitive processes involved in reading. He is recognized for his contributions to understanding how people comprehend and process written language, which has implications for education, literacy, and cognitive science.

La conferencia está abierta al alumnado y profesorado de la UV. También será retransmitida en directo. Para poder seguir la conferencia online, inscríbete en el siguiente enlace: https://go.uv.es/interpsi/charlaspsico