Universitat de ValènciaFacultat de Psicologia Logo del portal

Unitat de Laboratoris

The Laboratories Unit of the Faculty of Psychology of the Universitat de València is fundamentally a support service for the teaching of the Degrees in Psychology and Speech Therapy.




Functions of the Laboratories Unit

  • Organisation and attention/advice to the teaching body and the students in the use of the equipment of evaluation practices, diagnosis and psychological treatment.
  •  Collaboration and advice in the preparation of the Degrees’ practices carried out by the teaching body. 
  • Management and expendable and equipment acquisition used in the Degrees’ teaching practices.
  •  Installation and update of the specific programme of psychologic application and speech therapy intervention.     
  •  Advice to the students in the computerised correction of evaluation tests.
  •  Management of the virtual platforms TeaCorrige and Universitea and in their use in the practices.
  • Perform use protocols of the equipment and technical training for PDI (teaching and research staff)/PAS (administrative and service staff). 






Gómez Valencia, Mª José

Laboratory Superior Technician

96 386 46 61

Rueda Nadal, Mª Dolores

Basic Scale Technician of research

96 386 46 61

Bueno Crespo, Jesús

Basic Scale Technician of research

96 386 48 24

Andrés Carrasco, Jesús

Basic Scale Technician of research

96 386 4661